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Dogs attack young girl in Scotland

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Here we go again!!! Quick everyone jump on the band wagon a rotty has attacked AGAIN, Im truly bored of this now, As I have said before I have had rotties for over 15yrs now, 4 pups-death and 11 fostered rescued, I LOVE THE BREED, brought up properly with good training and responsible owners they are lovely loyal dogs, You cant "ban" dog breeds, As always its the owners fault, you know your own dog, what it likes and doesnt, We had one that hated push bikes so he was never allowed off lead near roads, cycle paths or anywhere he may have seen one just incase, Its called being responsible. The one I have now is 10, diabetic and a lovely dog with a brilliant temprement, He weighs 55kg, So its a big animal, My 3 yr old loves him to bits and the dog is very gentle and loving to my child. Please dont blame Rotties , blame the idiots that get them and dont train them or be responsible enough to know that there pet is also a big dog that "could" do damage if need be, Ive never had a nasty rotty yet, But unfortunately not everyone is like me, a responsible owner!



Totally agree I have two rottweillers and I used to have a yorkshire terrier the most nastiest was the yorkshire terrier. Its not to do with the Breed it how the owners treat, train and bring the dog up. My two rotties arent nasty at all but just because they are Rotties we get some much abuse thrown at us. IT’S THE OWNERS NOT THE BREED. Anyways on a further note I hope the little girl is ok and the owners are punished.

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First and foremost my deepest sympathies to the girl. I hope she has a speedy recovery and isn't traumatised for life over this. On the subject of rotties, how many of the "haters" on here have actually been in the company of a properly trained rottie? Honest truth hands up held a big strong rottie on a lead, walked to the shops with 1, sat with it while it attends a tea party in a makeshift tent with a 4 yr old? I'd put money not 1. So rather than argue your side that rotties are dangerous without personal experience why not try to educate yourself rather than going on what the media hype up. How many kids are killed/injured chasing a football into the road? ban football?





so everyone called john is a serial killer; it says so on wikipedia :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh: so lets kill everyone called John? Just to be safe!



seriously come to next years rottiefest http://www.rottiefest.co.uk/1.html

i'd be more than happy to drive you there and see with your own eyes (not something you read in a paper / heard down the pub) just how good a dog these are when PROPERLY TRAINED (like any dog)


I am not aware of anyone saying they ''hate'' this breed.

They are questioning why anyone would choose to keep them as a pet

I would not choose to have a lion as a pet but that does not mean I ''hate'' them.

I think the incidences of violence from this breed still begs the question 'why choose one as a pet''.

It's no good saying 'mine has never hurt anyone'of course not.Because if it had it would have been destroyed after the first incident hopefully.

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I am not aware of anyone saying they ''hate'' this breed.

They are questioning why anyone would choose to keep them as a pet

I would not choose to have a lion as a pet but that does not mean I ''hate'' them.

I think the incidences of violence from this breed still begs the question 'why choose one as a pet''.

It's no good saying 'mine has never hurt anyone'of course not.Because if it had it would have been destroyed after the first incident hopefully.


But you don't want to wipe out lions.

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blah blah blah blah blah - 'rotties' attack child again - kid in intensive care- scars, psychological problems , trauma - don't blame the lovely doggies - etc etc.

how depressing - let's concentrate on the poor child not the passive aggression of the 'rotty' fans.

passing a law against pit bulls increased their popularity. Discouraging people from keeping dogs has led to many kids not knowing how to behave around them, and banning dogs from many places has resulted in dogs' experience and training being limited - all a recipe for disaster in my book


If anybody on this thread was genuinely concerned for the welfare of children, they'd be baying for the banning of motor vehicles as they maim and injure far more children each week than dogs do... but that'd be inconvenient wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

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I think I would if idiots had them as pets and they were attacking people.


So which bit is it thats a problem for you?



Attacks on persons


People have owned lions as pets which haven't attacked people, so are they ok? Just as sensible people have owned dogs which haven't attacked anyone.

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passing a law against pit bulls increased their popularity. Discouraging people from keeping dogs has led to many kids not knowing how to behave around them, and banning dogs from many places has resulted in dogs' experience and training being limited - all a recipe for disaster in my book


If anybody on this thread was genuinely concerned for the welfare of children, they'd be baying for the banning of motor vehicles as they maim and injure far more children each week than dogs do... but that'd be inconvenient wouldn't it? :rolleyes:


Show me a dog that can carry me and four other adults the full length of Ecclesfield Rd in 30 seconds and I'll back you all the way.


And how has the banning of pit bulls increased their popularity, thats a silly thing to say.

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If anybody on this thread was genuinely concerned for the welfare of children, they'd be baying for the banning of motor vehicles as they maim and injure far more children each week than dogs do... but that'd be inconvenient wouldn't it? :rolleyes:


Cue all the car drivers justifying how they simply HAVE TO have a car, and people don't have to have a dog, and that is the huge difference, and anyway they've never run anyone over so the figures are wrong, and they need to drive anyway beacuse the bus takes 6 weeks to get them to work and they might starve on the way etc. etc. etc.

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