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Dogs attack young girl in Scotland

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I am not aware of anyone saying they ''hate'' this breed.

They are questioning why anyone would choose to keep them as a pet

I would not choose to have a lion as a pet but that does not mean I ''hate'' them.

I think the incidences of violence from this breed still begs the question 'why choose one as a pet''.

It's no good saying 'mine has never hurt anyone'of course not.Because if it had it would have been destroyed after the first incident hopefully.


but you haven't answered my question. Have YOU ever been in the company of a well trained rottie?

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Show me a dog that can carry me and four other adults the full length of Ecclesfield Rd in 30 seconds and I'll back you all the way.


And how has the banning of pit bulls increased their popularity, thats a silly thing to say.

The same way that an ASBO isn't a deterrent, it's a badge of honour :rolleyes:


If the dangerous dogs act had been successful, all existing pit bulls at the time of its inception would have died, and no further pups would have replaced them

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Clearly the owners fault, so leave it at that.


The dog is only doing whats bred into them, the owners should have taken control.


I have a badly behaved collie but I know exactly of what is expected of him and dont take any risks with kids/


You have to know your own dog, simple.

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The dog is only doing whats bred into them


I disagree. A rottweiler isn't bred to kill. it's actually a cattle herding dog and also was used to pull a cart to take livestock to market. In Germany they are now used as guide dogs, police dogs and in search and rescue. I agree in blame the owner, not the dog

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True but herding dogs will nip or bite to get the cattle to do what they want, same as with our collie, it is doing what is bred into it and that is to round things up, and if kids are running about if I let him lose he would probably nip or bite them to get them to do what he wants.


That is why I say it is the owners fault, you have to take control of the dog and know EXACTLY what it is capable of doing as I would never let my border collie round kids except my daughter as he has grown up with her and I trust him 110% with her, he is a completely different dog with her and other kids as he doesn't see them as in the pack, he sees them more of a threat.


It is the same with Staffys, they were used for herding bulls and grabbing hold of the bulls nose. Again, it is bred into the dog.


The only dogs you can be safe with around any children are the ones that haven't been bred for herding, fighting or guard dogs.


I have had many dogs growing up and some we have trusted and the others that we thought would be a danger in a situation then we have had put down before anything happens.

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