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7/7 "Bombers" widow denied 'Legal aid'.Is it fair ?

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In every quote I heard her make she's said that she does think that her husband committed the atrocity.


Have a read at this. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/jul/28/july7.uksecurity

Maybe the only reason she thinks he might of done it is because of what police told her he'd done.

If you read comments in his "suicide note",what he wrote indicates she wouldn't have a clue what he was up to anyway.(if he was up to anything)That would suit the "official" story and might even make her doubt her husband innocence,but why did it take two years to prouduce this note ?

He had more connections with police and government than he did that fake terror group "al qaeda".



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People like you are as predjudiced as the people you complain about. You can only look at a Police action from the point of view of the person acted against. I dont believe we live in a Police state or that there is some great conspiracy against us. Regarding the people from Plymouth they were planning to go to the G20 protest. They were held as part of an investigation. They were released, presumably because it was found they had not committed any offences.


I hope the Police continue to investigate people who are possibly terrorists or possibly violent protestors.


You should look at you motives examine your reasoning. You are wrong.



Now prove me wrong.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4943675105275097719#

7/7 RipEff



In the years since 9/11 more than 1,000 people have been arrested under anti-terrorism laws, of which less than 50 have been convicted.


So sweeping are the anti-terrorism powers that people have been detained on the flimsiest of pretexts. Earlier this month, five people in Plymouth were detained under the Terrorism Act after a young man was seen spraying graffiti. “Political literature” was reportedly found in one of the homes raided and it was claimed at the time that the five had been planning to join the G20 protests in London. Held for several days, they were all released without charge.


All the while, the hysterical atmosphere generated by such arrests has been used to further strengthen police powers and undermine democratic rights. The brutal shooting of innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in July 2005 by undercover anti-terrorist officers exposed that police had covertly adopted a shoot-to-kill policy. Less than one year later another innocent man, Mohammed Abdul Kahar, was shot by anti-terror police in a raid on his home.

(He too was found to be innocent).

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This "conspiracy theory" business just is too fantastic to be true....the Labour government was so in favour of multiculturalism - even to the detriment of many - this would mean their agendas literally clashed with each other........


If we really were being governed by a mixed up, corrupt, even evil government we should have rose up with pitch forks and chucked them out ourselves.......


I despise what Labour did to this country, but I don't buy this drivel.

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i really couldnt have said it better the guy strapped on a bomb and killed people how did he not do it :loopy:


Did you see him do it?Or are you just going on what you have been told via the media?

There is no video Showing that he did it at all,if there is then please stick up a link!

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Did you see him do it?Or are you just going on what you have been told via the media?

There is no video Showing that he did it at all,if there is then please stick up a link!


Strangely,the Israeli owned and run cctv system wasn't working:huh:

There is this picture though-


No wonder she has questions to ask in an enquiry.

Imagine your wife or husband going out one day,you hear of bombs going off and people killed,the police come and tell you your wife/husband did it,they say they have evidence and you see him/her on a video saying he's gonna do it.

Then your locked up for two weeks and interrogated and asked to publicly condemn their actions,your shown a suicide note "withheld" for two years explaining his actions and (if real,)show she wouldn't have had a clue of his plans.

So she is a victim in this no matter which way you look at it.

She no doubt will be very aware of the big question marks over 7/7.

I think the "powers that be" will be scared of more of this stuff becoming wider public knowledge.

Thats why they will make things as difficult as possible for her.

I believe/hope though she will get the support she needs from her community etc if not Legal Aid.

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This "conspiracy theory" business just is too fantastic to be true....the Labour government was so in favour of multiculturalism - even to the detriment of many - this would mean their agendas literally clashed with each other........


If we really were being governed by a mixed up, corrupt, even evil government we should have rose up with pitch forks and chucked them out ourselves.......


I despise what Labour did to this country, but I don't buy this drivel.


Thats what they want us to do maybe,start uprising then bang all the "trouble makers "up on these Anti terror laws we have now in place.

I like the sound of storming the houses of parliament etc and taking back our country from the corrupt,but sadly the way forward is Lawful Rebellion.


Maybe then a few hangings:hihi:

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so the widow their family and freinds neighbours work colleagues people they prayed with local shop owners or any number of close or casual freinds none of them had any slightest idea that they planned to make themselves and lots of innocent strangers go boom now i know that conspiracy theories and charges of anti islam anti freedom abound on this sight buy come on if their that good at security maybe we should sign them on at mi6

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