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7/7 "Bombers" widow denied 'Legal aid'.Is it fair ?

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Why does she want Legal Aid ?

Quote from BBC News-


Lord Justice Thomas said the court heard how Ms Patel "was interested to understand why her late husband and the other bombers acted as they did" and sought "an opportunity to ask questions of witnesses at the inquest which bore on their knowledge and experience of her husband and others".


And why was she refused ?

Quote from same Item- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11114627


Although requested by this court to show how she could help establish why her late husband and the others, whom she knew acted to murder fellow citizens, she has provided not an iota of evidence to us which could show how in some way she could bring a wider benefit, let alone a significant benefit to the inquests or to the understanding of the victims of the bombing."


So because she couldn't come up with a reason to tell them why her husband would want to blow himself and other innocents to pieces,she has been denied the chance to clear his name.:huh:

There is little evidence he did it,and a hell of a lot that he and the others were innocent "patsies"(please spare me the meat pie type jokes)

So my feeling is they don't want her asking awkward questions that could reveal that those bombings were another false flag attack .Simply to get Mr Blair out the sh..trouble he was in,:rant:and get public support for the invasion of certain countries,despite it being illegal , making he and everyone else in power, not doing anything about it guilty of treason ?:suspect:


So is it fair ?:huh:


If she's so sure of the truth she can put the money up herself to reveal it instead of asking the tax payer to fund it. Get the money from her local mosque or other finance initative instead of asking the state to fund everything!


It's called putting your money where your mouth is......no money put forward by oneself, then not so sure sure of the truth after all then!


If fact all of those that believe she is right......why don't you get your fingers out your pocket...in facts sell all your assets & sent her a big fact cheque to help her fund it. You'll get the money back in costs from the court if you are right! Just stop moaning on here without helping her!

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If she's so sure of the truth she can put the money up herself to reveal it instead of asking the tax payer to fund it. Get the money from her local mosque or other finance initative instead of asking the state to fund everything!


It's called putting your money where your mouth is......no money put forward by oneself, then not so sure sure of the truth after all then!


If fact all of those that believe she is right......why don't you get your fingers out your pocket...in facts sell all your assets & sent her a big fact cheque to help her fund it. You'll get the money back in costs from the court if you are right! Just stop moaning on here without helping her!


As i've said,i hope she does get a chance to ask any questions she has without the legal aid,either by representing herself or through support of her family and community.

I think your missing the point of what the enquiry is about,it is not if he did it or not,so she won't get any money back.(or me)

She will be aware of the questions hanging over the "official" account and may well want to ask about those issues.(i would)

I thought most wouldnt think she has a right to legal aid but she is a victim also,even if he did do it.

So it is questionable,if it's fair or not to not give her legal aid.

I was by no means surprised at the result.

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As i've said,i hope she does get a chance to ask any questions she has without the legal aid,either by representing herself or through support of her family and community.

I think your missing the point of what the enquiry is about,it is not if he did it or not,so she won't get any money back.(or me)

She will be aware of the questions hanging over the "official" account and may well want to ask about those issues.(i would)

I thought most wouldnt think she has a right to legal aid but she is a victim also,even if he did do it.

So it is questionable,if it's fair or not to not give her legal aid.

I was by no means surprised at the result.


End of the day Legal Aid shouldn't have to pay for stuff like this! It's not an infinite pot of money & how many people will be denied justice if it is granted for this.....because this sort of inquiry will 'leach' money froom the system!

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I have just looked at this thread and cannot beleive what some people are saying. This man went with the sole intention to kill himself and as many people has he could, a task he was sucessful in doing. Now God knows how it is claimed he did not do it by his then wife, who now has a new husband and wants help from the state and the taxpayer to mount a leagal case.

The brothes Grim, Walt Disney and Lewis Caroll would not have put together a more fictional fairy story.

I feel this story is sick and disrespectfull to the family's who suffered the loss of loved ones.

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I have just looked at this thread and cannot believe what some people are saying. This man went with the sole intention to kill himself and as many people has he could, a task he was successful in doing. Now God knows how it is claimed he did not do it by his then wife, who now has a new husband and wants help from the state and the taxpayer to mount a legal case.

The brothers Grim, Walt Disney and Lewis Carroll would not have put together a more fictional fairy story.

I feel this story is sick and disrespectfully to the family's who suffered the loss of loved ones.

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I have just looked at this thread and cannot beleive what some people are saying. This man went with the sole intention to kill himself and as many people has he could, a task he was sucessful in doing. Now God knows how it is claimed he did not do it by his then wife, who now has a new husband and wants help from the state and the taxpayer to mount a leagal case.

The brothes Grim, Walt Disney and Lewis Caroll would not have put together a more fictional fairy story.

I feel this story is sick and disrespectfull to the family's who suffered the loss of loved ones.


Ever seen 'Ludicrous diversion' ?-

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