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The People's War - share your memories

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The People's War is a major new BBC History website. They are looking for stories from people who lived through World War 2, as it's vital that this first hand testimony is captured for future generations.


They are also looking for people to pass on family stories as told to them by the war generation. The BBC hope the website will prove to be a way of honouring the memory of those who sacrificed so much.


We are looking for all sorts of stories about everyday lives.

I am the local coordinator for The Experience Corps, who are supporting the BBC in the collection of these stories. If you would like more information on how to share a story please email me on kirsty.waknell@experience-corps.co.uk or call 07789 481 856.


Many Thanks

Kirsty Waknell

Experience Corps


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  • 6 years later...

I was born in 1938 lived in hobson ave (posh name) it was in the middle of the steel works a few bombs dropped round here I have many memories ofthr war and after I am as fit as afart have all my own teeth most of my hair never been in hospital be more specific once I start my tales you will not be able to shut me up

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