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Climate change lies are exposed.

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Have the Express got a scientific heavyweight out to do this article?


Donna Bowater has covered some science issues before.


Here she is in May with a scarey story: "CANCER LINK TO HEAVY USE OF MOBILE PHONES - JUST half an hour a day on your mobile phone can increase the risk of brain cancer by a third, according to a landmark report."




So how did she fare? well the Guardian pointed out that the study whilst saying "modest use of a mobile phone actually reduced the risk of brain cancer" had as its main conclusion that there was no proven link.




Hmm she has also managed to get in there the stuff about the head of the IPCC profiting out of his job.... something the Telegraph retracted over the weekend when it was proved to be false, costing them a 6 figure sum. He is a reluctant litigant so I expect the Express has made the judgement he is unlikely to pursue them for a retraction having already made his point.




So perhaps Donna Bowater would be better off sticking with stories more within her grasp like "How Young Men Spend Most On Beauty Regime"



I would suggest anyone interested in what was actually said about the IPCC read some better articles, like these:





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It's not about scare mongering at all. It has always been about making money. Extra taxes, blue bins etc etc.


Agreed. look at Al Gore. Worth a few million in 2000, now worth over $200 million. Had the "carbon offset" scam taken off (in which Gore teamed up with former Enron boss Ken Lay) he would have become the first "Carbon Billionaire".


Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire”


The New York Times has lifted the lid on how Al Gore stands to benefit to the tune of billions of dollars if the carbon tax proposals he is pushing come to fruition in the United States, while documenting how he has already lined his pockets on the back of exaggerated fearmongering about global warming.


As is to be expected, the article is largely a whitewash and takes an apologist stance in defense of Gore.


However, the NY Times‘ John M. Broder does reveal how one of the companies Gore invested in, Silver Spring Networks, recently received a contract worth $560 million dollars from the Energy Department to install “smart meters” in people’s homes that record (and critics fear could eventually regulate) energy usage.


“Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years,” states the report, highlighting the fact that Gore is “well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.”


“Critics, mostly on the political right and among global warming skeptics, say Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in”





Ultimately it's about control. There are plenty of control freaks in all levels of government who want to micromanage our lives, this is just a convenient pretext for greater control and taxation.


Scaremongering is also a good thing for those in control. As Polybius [200–118 BC] said:


Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order.
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Agreed. look at Al Gore. Worth a few million in 2000, now worth over $200 million. Had the "carbon offset" scam taken off (in which Gore teamed up with former Enron boss Ken Lay) he would have become the first "Carbon Billionaire".




Ultimately it's about control. There are plenty of control freaks in all levels of government who want to micromanage our lives, this is just a convenient pretext for greater control and taxation.


Scaremongering is also a good thing for those in control. As Polybius [200–118 BC] said:


So are you saying we should ignore the scientific consensus on the topic because Al Gore has put his money where his mouth is? :huh:


btw Alex Jones website isn't a very credible reference, neither for that matter is the Telegraph normally but on this occasion it sheds some light on where the hyperbole is....


Since he quit mainstream politics, Mr Gore’s personal fortune has risen from £1.2 million to an estimated £60 million.


He has made significant investments in environmentally friendly projects like carbon trading markets, solar power, biofuels, electric vehicles, sustainable fish farming and waterless lavatories. He has also invested in non-climate change related investments, including putting money into Google and Apple.


Mr Gore said it was “certainly not true” that he was going to become a “carbon billionaire” and that the suggestion came from global warming deniers.


He said: “I am proud to put my money where my mouth is for the past 30 years. And though that is not the majority of my business activities, I absolutely believe in investing in accordance with my beliefs and my values.” At a hearing earlier this year on clean energy legislation, Mr Gore was challenged by Republican congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn, over his investments.


She said: “The legislation that we are discussing here today, is that something that you are going to personally benefit from?”


Mr Gore said: “I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us, and I have invested in it.”


He added that he had put “every penny” he has made from his investments into the non-profit Alliance for Climate Protection, which campaigns for solutions to climate change.


In a heated exchange Mr Gore said: “If you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.”


Mr Gore said he was “proud” of his record of investing in green technology




$60 million is quite a long way off being a billionaire.


$60 million however is pocket money for people like David Koch. He happily pays amounts like that in fines for polluting.


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