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Drugs - your views?

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helpful hint.


when talking about drugs it is very imortant to specify at least what class of drugs you are talking about, and preferably which drug in particular.


By effect most drugs can be classed as one of the following


Analgesic - heroin, methadone, opium, morphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine (DF111) etc,.


Sedative - Barbiturates, Tranquilisers (Mandrax, Valium, Temazepam), Alcohol


Stimulant - Amphetamine, Cocaine, Crystal Meth, Crack, Ephedrine, Caffeine (MDA, MDMA), Nicotine, Theobromine, Pseudoephedrine.


Psychedelic - LSD, Psilocybin/Psilocin (found in 'magic' mushrooms, Cannabinoids (found in cannabis), (MDA, MDMA),


Dissociative - Ketamine (vetinary Anaesthetic, PCP, Dextromorphan (Cough Syrup), Salvinorum A & B (found in Salvia).


Not all 'drugs' are the same.


[edit, I have included MDA & MDMA (Ecstasy) on both stimulants and psychedelics,because they exhibit both properties markedly, and are used as such (many psychedelic substances also exhibit stimulant effects but these are rarely a reason for taking them)]

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no i was just wondering what everyones views were. for example, if my mum was on here, she would say that all drugs are bad blah blah blah. thats only because she has never taken any, and she is not educated in drugs at all. people who take drugs on a regular basis would say things like

drugs are good, or drugs are ok in moderation etc.

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Originally posted by fittdiva

no i was just wondering what everyones views were. for example, if my mum was on here, she would say that all drugs are bad blah blah blah. thats only because she has never taken any, and she is not educated in drugs at all. people who take drugs on a regular basis would say things like

drugs are good, or drugs are ok in moderation etc.


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Have you seen the film 'human traffic'?? I see you are living in Wales and it's set there. Such a good realistic film and shows the clubbing drug culture amongst a group of friends, who like a lot of recreational drug takers, fall into the category of professional jobs during the week, hair down hedonists at the weekend!


I'm a Pharmacolgist so if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask me.

Are you refering to Pills (Ecstasy) by chance? or cocaine, weed, speed etc?

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Originally posted by Foxxx

Have you seen the film 'human traffic'?? I see you are living in Wales and it's set there. Such a good realistic film and shows the clubbing drug culture amongst a group of friends, who like a lot of recreational drug takers, fall into the category of professional jobs during the week, hair down hedonists at the weekend!


I'm a Pharmacolgist so if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask me.

Are you refering to Pills (Ecstasy) by chance? or cocaine, weed, speed etc?


yeah i was an extra in that film. wicked. dont like the look of the 2nd one though.

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