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William Hague's special advisor resigns

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Linky thingy here.......http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Politics/William-Hagues-Special-Advisor-Christopher-Myers-Resigns-Over-Malicious-Allegations/Article/201009115710797?lpos=Politics_Top_Stories_Header_0&lid=ARTICLE_15710797_William_Hagues_Special_Advisor_Christopher_Myers_Resigns_Over_Malicious_Allegations



Christopher Myers has quit his job because of the "untrue and malicious" rumours about him & William Hague. In relation to this Mr Hague has given a lenghty personal statement about this.


Surely iIf the rumours are untrue why leave?



I bet William Hague is going to miss asking Christopher Myers "who's your daddy" ;):Pjokin

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if it turns out that Tory Boy is gay then he's the 2nd hypocrite of the week after crispin 'family values' blunt - check his record on 'they work for you' he doesn't go out of his way to promote positivity re same sex relationships to say the least!

why is he telling us that Ffyon has had miscarriages I wonder? perhaps -

1 it is true and in some way relevent to the matter (tho' god knows how.)

2 a cheap shot attempt at getting sympathy and upping his hetero profile. straight or not.

3 An explanation of why she hasn't concieved after years of frantic heterosexual activity


Gay is good, gay is decent, slimy hypocritical Tories condemning gay people and getting on with the job on the side isn't.

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Mates booking a Travelodge to go to a footy match book one room to save money not politicians in top hotels. :suspect:


Twin room, two beds. Yet if he booked two separate rooms people would complain he was abusing his expenses.


Can't do right for doing wrong.

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