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William Hague's special advisor resigns

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if it turns out that Tory Boy is gay then he's the 2nd hypocrite of the week after crispin 'family values' blunt - check his record on 'they work for you' he doesn't go out of his way to promote positivity re same sex relationships to say the least!


No way is William gay. I recall the rumours years ago when a bloke who did end up having to come out of the closet tried to spoil the leadership election. I never believed them. At school he was always after the lasses. No 'gay' vibes at all.

Just political crap spread by idiots who can't actually fight their position so they have to resort to silly smear campaigns.

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No way is William gay. I recall the rumours years ago when a bloke who did end up having to come out of the closet tried to spoil the leadership election. I never believed them. At school he was always after the lasses. No 'gay' vibes at all.

Just political crap spread by idiots who can't actually fight their position so they have to resort to silly smear campaigns.


Just part of a plot to destabilise the coalition, by the Tory old guard. Funny how they picked on the kid from the Comprehensive School.

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No way is William gay. I recall the rumours years ago when a bloke who did end up having to come out of the closet tried to spoil the leadership election. I never believed them. At school he was always after the lasses. No 'gay' vibes at all.

Just political crap spread by idiots who can't actually fight their position so they have to resort to silly smear campaigns.


I completely agree, the bloke is straight forward.

He might be a Tory pillock but queer he ain't.

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This situation does have a deja vu feel about it, very similar to the Damian McBride affair.


From Wiki:

On 11 April 2009 it was reported by the Daily Telegraph that McBride had sent a series of emails to former Labour Party official Derek Draper discussing plans to set up the controversial Red Rag blogsite which would be used to post rumours they had made up about the private lives of senior members of the Conservative Party and their spouses. These false rumours would have included sexual and personal allegations about certain Tory politicians and their spouses, including Nadine Dorries, David and Samantha Cameron, and George and Frances Osborne.[9][10] McBride conceded in his emails that he had used "poetic licence" in respect of existing gossip and rumours.[2]


Incidentally, it was Guido that unearthed the McBride emails.

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All of this is based on sharing a hotel room? That must mean that I and all of my work colleagues were homosexual too! We shared hotel rooms all over the country at training sessions and regional meetings for years.


It is perfectly possible to share a hotel room without anything 'iffy' happening.


Why is there all of this issue with sexuality anyway? Whether someone is heterosexual or homosexual isn't likely to change their opinion on reducing the economy shortfall is it?


I get really annoyed sometimes with the populist wish for 'scandal'. It's like people have nothing better to do than to find some way of tripping people up when they're going about their daily lives.

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Hmmm..." by the leftists" you claim?


It was the The Daily Mail last week and The Mail on Sunday this weekend which kicked off this story, plus the right-wing political blogger, Paul Staines (aka Guido Fawkes) who also ran with it.


I find it ironic that you complain about smearing and in the same sentence then smear "leftists" as the source of the smear. Untrue. Get your facts right. Apologise for your own smear.


Don't shoot the messenger. They only carried the stories, you must ask yourself where they originated.



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Nah. The mid-Eighties BBC was rabidly right wing. Thatcher's mouthpiece.


Are you sure about that?


BBC was biased against Thatcher, admits Mark Thompson


The BBC was "massively" biased against Margaret Thatcher and journalists allowed their left-wing politics to set the corporation's agenda, director-general Mark Thompson has admitted.


Critics of the BBC have long accused it of left-wing bias and a hatred of the former Tory leader.


Confirming their fears, Mr Thompson said: "In the BBC I joined 30 years ago there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people's personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the left.


"The organisation did struggle then with impartiality. And journalistically, staff were quite mystified by the early years of Thatcher."




Amusingly, even the Time Lords were wheeled in against the Thatcher government:


Doctor Who 'had anti-Thatcher agenda'


Left-wing script writers infiltrated Doctor Who to give it anti-Thatcher plot lines in the late 1980s in a failed attempt "to overthrow the Government" Sylvester McCoy has claimed.


McCoy, who played the seventh doctor from 1987 to 1989, and Andrew Cartmel, the script editor at the time, both admitted the conspiracy, saying that it "seemed the right thing to do".


"Our feeling was that Margaret Thatcher was far more terrifying than any monster the Doctor had encountered," he told the Sunday Times.


Cartmel said it was almost a job requirement to detest Thatcher.


When asked by John Nathan-Turner, the producer, what he hoped to achieve in being the show's script editor, he recalled: "My exact words were: I'd like to overthrow the government.




(Anyone who's ever watched the story "The Happiness Patrol" will recognize who Shelia Hancock's character is meant to be.)


On the other side of the coin, Denis Thatcher hated the BBC:


Thatcher hated the BBC, thinking it was biased against the Thatcher government, as well as unpatriotic. In his most famous outburst about the BBC, he claimed his wife had been "stitched up by bloody BBC poofs and Trots" when she was questioned by a member of the public about the sinking of the ARA General Belgrano on Nationwide in 1983




Now sibon old chap, would you like to reconsider that statement?

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Just part of a plot to destabilise the coalition, by the Tory old guard. Funny how they picked on the kid from the Comprehensive School.


Whereas the Tory old guard will have got their homo-eroticism out of their system when at public school, poor old William has had to wait for his!

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What a surprise this news was released on the same day as the issues with the Blair book and his problems with Gordon Brown. Trying to deflect the issue much?


Hague is a very down-to-earth character who treats his assistants on a level pegging, and more as a mate than a boss and assistant relationship. That's the impression I got when I spent a day with them a year or so ago.

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I did get it right - the BBC is very left wing in its reporting and editorial content. . . . along with the mirror, the grauniad, socialist worker, the voice , bbc1 bbc2, bbc news, radio 1 2 4 5 etc . He appears to have been smeared by a right of centre website I accept, but that does not make the BBC anything other than left wing.


Mark Thompson DG of the BBC does go some way to corroborate the left wing bias at the beeb.





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