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Cruelty to pups from woman

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The thread in the pets group was removed due to a lot of non-family-friendly discussion going on.


I've viewed the video in the link more than once and after watching it I would be surprised to find that this took place in the UK, but it seems pretty certain that these actually were live puppies because they were wriggling and squealing as she was handling them.


I abhor this sort of cruelty and it's even less palatable when you bear in mind that she's smiling whilst doing it. One of my kittens was found with the rest of her litter in a bag with a brick tied to it, but we have to remember that in a world pre-spaying and without easy vet care drowning was a standard way to 'dispose' of unwanted puppies and kittens.


Without the knowledge of whether the clip was shot in the UK or in a part of the world where poverty is more common and the attitudes to animals are completely different then it is hard to form an opinion of what should happen to the girl who did this (and the person who filmed it).

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I can not read the links. I don't have the stomach for it. However, Medusa, you are right when you refer to drowning being a common way to get rid of unwanted puppies/kitties. My mum used to witness her best mate's mum drowning the kittens when the cat had had a litter. She was horrified. Sadly, it was just the done thing. Obviously, this is tame compared to what has happened in this thread, but, apologies, I just do not wish to know.

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