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Cruelty to pups from woman

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I imagine the canal is full with the bones of cats and dogs from over the years, its probably not a practice that happens now because our society today are rightly appalled by it.


The girl from my link is reportedly from Germany. I cannot believe seeing the clip that it is anything other than genuine.

I doubt very much the girl will have realised the condemnation her actions would get when they filmed it.

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The thread in the pets group was removed due to a lot of non-family-friendly discussion going on.


I've viewed the video in the link more than once and after watching it I would be surprised to find that this took place in the UK, but it seems pretty certain that these actually were live puppies because they were wriggling and squealing as she was handling them.


I abhor this sort of cruelty and it's even less palatable when you bear in mind that she's smiling whilst doing it. One of my kittens was found with the rest of her litter in a bag with a brick tied to it, but we have to remember that in a world pre-spaying and without easy vet care drowning was a standard way to 'dispose' of unwanted puppies and kittens.


Without the knowledge of whether the clip was shot in the UK esor in a part of the world where poverty is more common and the attitud to animals are completely different then it is hard to form an opinion of what should happen to the girl who did this (and the person who filmed it).

cant be that poverty stricken, they can afford a video camera/phone and a means on which to upload it to the internet....
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There is a horrible video of some chinese woman in high heals killing a kitten. I'll not tell you the details, but it was truly horrific.


These horrible people need to be jailed.


also a hoax, well as much as the animals are already dead and frozen before. Still disgusting though

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It was apparently real - 3 of the puppys were found alive and re-homed.


The footage I saw was of already dead animals. I also saw two girls one cup! IT was part of my march to prove all this footage was fake to some friends. All I can say is the animal one had no CG, and the cup one made me almost sick as it was far too real. I try not to get on my high horse about things being faked with CG etc as part of this involves seeing awful things and you can't unwatch them. I also remember the dog starved to death as art story which was also not true but innaccurate reporting of the facts. Still it made a better story than the facts.


Anyway, real or not its sick

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Well, to be fair i can't be sure it is exactly the same story cos the original link is gone - but there was one of a woman chucking live puppies into a river, there were 4 of them and three were recovered.


sorry i meant the lady standing on the dogs. I wondered what happened with the dog in the river story, the authorities had claimed it to be fake. Thats more disturbing as the woman was grinning away. Fruit loop!

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I saw on facebook earlier that it was in Bosnia, and the girl had been caught - they are now waiting for a decision if to prosecute her or not....


The story about them being rescued was fake - it was the girls next door neighbour who posed with other puppies to take the heat off of the girl (the giveaway was that the original pups were black and white, the ones the woman posed with were black and brown)

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