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Only "dimwits" emigrate from Britain ..

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There was plenty of reasons to want to leave Britain when I did in 1965.

Most people couldnt afford anything above the basic necessities. I rented a flat in London for awhile before I left which was about the same size as one of the walk in bedroom closets in my house and the rent was exhorbitant


I"ve been back a few times since then for visits but still wouldnt want to live there. Too crowded, too expensive and the climate is just as bad as it was 45 years ago

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There was plenty of reasons to want to leave Britain when I did in 1965.

Most people couldnt afford anything above the basic necessities. I rented a flat in London for awhile before I left which was about the same size as one of the walk in bedroom closets in my house and the rent was exhorbitant


I"ve been back a few times since then for visits but still wouldnt want to live there. Too crowded, too expensive and the climate is just as bad as it was 45 years ago


Interesting. A time when UK birth rate had peaked and began to decrease. Much like now it would appear.

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There was plenty of reasons to want to leave Britain when I did in 1965.

Most people couldnt afford anything above the basic necessities. I rented a flat in London for awhile before I left which was about the same size as one of the walk in bedroom closets in my house and the rent was exhorbitant


I"ve been back a few times since then for visits but still wouldnt want to live there. Too crowded, too expensive and the climate is just as bad as it was 45 years ago


Wondered how long it would take for you to jump in on this one :)

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I have just received my Visa for the USA.


In three weeks i will be sat in my new house in California.


Away from all the naysayers who only want to see people fail to make them feel better about themselves.


I am so glad to be leaving the UK and its negative ideals behind.



Yours Rich.

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I've just been reading "The world according to Clarkson".


Here's an extract from one article, "The hell of being a British expat":


"The fact is, I’m afraid, that anyone who emigrates from Britain, no matter where they end up, is a bit of a dimwit.


I mean, why leave? Because you have no friends? Well, what makes you think it’ll be easier to make friends somewhere else?"


(Full article online here http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/jeremy_clarkson/article2326687.ece)


I've known several people who have emigrated, and they have all been desperately homesick and returned within a few years (or plan to return soon).


What do you think? Would you leave Britain or do we already live in the best country in the world? What would you do to make Britain (and Sheffield in particular) an even better place to live?


I think if you look at that article you'll see it was originally aired in 2007.....before the bankers 'raped us' of all our money, the interest rate hit 0.5%, vat had to be put up to 20% and we all started losing our jobs.


I wonder if he wrote that article in 2010 it would be the same?


If you call a country the best in the world that charges taxes for services then doesn't deliver...then we are the best in the world......crumbling road network, councils that knock down rows of buildings without the funds to rebuild them, gangs of kids shooting / stabbing each other without a clue how to solve the issue.


All we are is a country that is kind to people that have nothing but punish those that are responsible.....now i wonder why the banks went bust????

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