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Only "dimwits" emigrate from Britain ..

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Speak for yourself! People who really love and care about their country stay here.



I do speak for myself. You seem to think that you speak on behalf of everyone else. It is what is known as the brain drain. Folks with intelligence and skills will find that they can find far better rewards overseas. People on handouts and freeloaders will find no more generous place in the world than the UK which is why they flock there.

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Canada is okay if you dont mind being buried in snow for about six months of the year and lucky enough to be able to find a job:D



Oddly enough we hardly get snow in Vancouver which is more than I can say for New York and Chicago which I regularly find inundated. So how is New Orleans doing these days? 5 years after Katrina and the area bracing itself for another battering.

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I do speak for myself. You seem to think that you speak on behalf of everyone else. It is what is known as the brain drain. Folks with intelligence and skills will find that they can find far better rewards overseas. People on handouts and freeloaders will find no more generous place in the world than the UK which is why they flock there.


Probably the most accurate post I've read in a long time.

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I do speak for myself. You seem to think that you speak on behalf of everyone else. It is what is known as the brain drain. Folks with intelligence and skills will find that they can find far better rewards overseas. People on handouts and freeloaders will find no more generous place in the world than the UK which is why they flock there.


I think I fall into the former category, but I can't see any compelling reason to go elsewhere.

Where is it exactly that will reward skills with a better quality of life?

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I do speak for myself. You seem to think that you speak on behalf of everyone else. It is what is known as the brain drain. Folks with intelligence and skills will find that they can find far better rewards overseas. People on handouts and freeloaders will find no more generous place in the world than the UK which is why they flock there.


You are incorrect.


The brain drain part occurs, but we have a high level of brain gain (our points based immigration system is to blame).

People on handouts and free loaders, generally can't afford to move and have social & familial ties to their location.


Also the UK has some of the least generous benefits in Europe.


I think the myth we have generous benefits increases the problem of free-loader immigration. If people stated the facts, the free-loaders would probably head elsewhere in Europe, including the English!

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I think I fall into the former category, but I can't see any compelling reason to go elsewhere.

Where is it exactly that will reward skills with a better quality of life?


You could try any of the following countries as they all have a better quality of life then the UK according to the Economist Quality of Life Survey:














United States


New Zealand



Hong Kong











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Also the UK has some of the least generous benefits in Europe.


I think the myth we have generous benefits increases the problem of free-loader immigration. If people stated the facts, the free-loaders would probably head elsewhere in Europe, including the English!


What are the benefits available in other EU nations?

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Oddly enough we hardly get snow in Vancouver which is more than I can say for New York and Chicago which I regularly find inundated. So how is New Orleans doing these days? 5 years after Katrina and the area bracing itself for another battering.


Before I emigrated to Canada they told me I'd have no problem finding a job as they needed people in the construction trade and I was a carpenter.

Took me two months to find a carpentry job after I arrived in Montreal and I was then down to my last fifty dollars. The job lasted two months then when the snow started in October we all got laid off and went on the dole which wasn't enough to live on and I ended up sweeping floors and doing other menial janitorial jobs. I thought the winters in the uK were miserable enough but I never saw a winter as cold and full of snow blizzards than that in Quebec

After two months of that I said "Screw this" and headed south.


I dont live in New York or Chicago or New Orleans so I dont have to worry about their climatic conditions.


Vancouver and Victoria are about the only places in Canada that never get snow I heard.

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The thing that really does my nut about the UK, it boasts to be one of the best countries in the world when in reality its just painted on the outside and rotting at the core.


Our biggest failure is our comms system/service, lets take Slovenia for example, the average internet connection over there is 100mbps and costs less than a UK landline where you would be lucky to get 3mbps.

Most modernised countries have mobile phones that connect faster than our landlines, it's a disgrace.


Our telecoms system is well overdue for replacing, I'll be lucky if it gets done in my lifetime.

The country has all this deficit and very little to show for it.

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I do speak for myself. You seem to think that you speak on behalf of everyone else. It is what is known as the brain drain. Folks with intelligence and skills will find that they can find far better rewards overseas. People on handouts and freeloaders will find no more generous place in the world than the UK which is why they flock there.



Why do I think 'I can speak on behalf of everyone else' - your reasons for going are because you value materialism over things like living in a communty amongst friends.

In my experience people who are loners go overseas to pursue their careers because they can't make it here, and try to start again somewhere else.

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