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Only "dimwits" emigrate from Britain ..

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Why do I think 'I can speak on behalf of everyone else' - your reasons for going are because you value materialism over things like living in a communty amongst friends.

In my experience people who are loners go overseas to pursue their careers because they can't make it here, and try to start again somewhere else.


Translation: I'll insult and abuse the poster as I cannot think of any better argument.

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Why do I think 'I can speak on behalf of everyone else' - your reasons for going are because you value materialism over things like living in a communty amongst friends.

In my experience people who are loners go overseas to pursue their careers because they can't make it here, and try to start again somewhere else.


You've got to be off your head? That went a long time ago in this country! Community......pah don't make me laugh!


I came off a council estate where eveyone used to look out for one another & friends were common-place. I no longer live on a council estate but the one i used to live on has bugger all community...one where the druggies & asbo lot have taken over & normal hard-working people keep their heads down for fears of reprisals. This is a country & community that the law makers & law enforcers have created.


Community.....yeah right....you live with the fairies matey!

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You could try any of the following countries as they all have a better quality of life then the UK according to the Economist Quality of Life Survey:














United States


New Zealand



Hong Kong












I think you missed the bit where I said reward skills though.

Just starting at the top, the Irish economy is in a terrible state. What's the chance that I'd find work.

Assuming I find it, I'd be interested to see how my quality of life is better. I know that I'd be paid less, I've look at contracts in Ireland before. I doubt that the cost of living is significantly better than in Sheffield, and that climate we moan about, it's even worse in Ireland.

Switzerland, isn't that the most highly taxed country on the planet?


Maybe I should have pointed out that I speak English as well, my quality of life isn't going to be improved by going to a country where I can't communicate. It's likely to hinder earning money and making friends.

Australia is near the top of the list though, and along with New Zealand it's one of the only viable options in the world. Certainly sorts out the problem with rain, although it comes with a whole drought and wildfire issue of it's own.

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The thing that really does my nut about the UK, it boasts to be one of the best countries in the world when in reality its just painted on the outside and rotting at the core.


Our biggest failure is our comms system/service, lets take Slovenia for example, the average internet connection over there is 100mbps and costs less than a UK landline where you would be lucky to get 3mbps.

Most modernised countries have mobile phones that connect faster than our landlines, it's a disgrace.


Our telecoms system is well overdue for replacing, I'll be lucky if it gets done in my lifetime.

The country has all this deficit and very little to show for it.


Average speed for Slovenia: 787.6 Kbps (25971 tests)



Average speed for United Kingdom: 1276.6 Kbps (54975 tests)


What's your source for the 100mbps connection.

South Korea is generally held up as the most well connected country in the world (in terms of fast internet).


And that manages an average of 14.6mbps


There's certainly no problem with the UK system though, like any other country with a large legacy system it takes time for it to be upgraded.

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In my experience people who are loners go overseas to pursue their careers because they can't make it here, and try to start again somewhere else.

Exactly how many loners did you personally know that have left in order to make this judgement?


I only know one couple that emigrated (and a friend that lives in Portugal).

We've been over to visit them in Canada and they appear to have many friends, and they've been back here to visit the many friends they left behind.

The exact opposite of your judgement.

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Average speed for Slovenia: 787.6 Kbps (25971 tests)



Average speed for United Kingdom: 1276.6 Kbps (54975 tests)


What's your source for the 100mbps connection.

South Korea is generally held up as the most well connected country in the world (in terms of fast internet).


And that manages an average of 14.6mbps


There's certainly no problem with the UK system though, like any other country with a large legacy system it takes time for it to be upgraded.


It also takes money. Money that the privatised industry does not want to spend because it will impact on its shareholders' profits.


Using Slovenia as an example, I went there last year and the thing I noticed was that their transport infrastructure is so much better than here in the UK. Granted, the network is not as big as the UK (Slovenia is about the same size as Wales) but their train network is clean, efficient, punctual and is something to be proud of considering that 20 years ago Slovenia did not exist as an independent country.


Moving back to telecoms; I work in the telecoms industry and privatising the BT network was the worst idea that anyone ever had, because the people at the top care more for generating a profit than they do for actually providing a decent service. The competition laws which state that any providers must be allowed access to the infrastructure cause massive complications where none are necessary. The amount of 2nd, 3rd and 4th parties that each company has to deal with just to provide something as basic as broadband is ridiculous and just makes for way too many extra links where the chain can break.


On the original subject though, I normally like JC but i am completely opposed to him in this case. I recently spent a week in the Dordogne region of France and I was completely astounded at just how laid back and leisurely their pace of life is. You notice the difference as soon as you get off the Eurostar in Paris really. There is just so much less stress everywhere.


There are many very good reasons to emigrate from this country. Being a 'dimwit' isn't one of them.

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As you note, we have a larger country. We also have an existing infrastructure. Starting something from scratch allows you to create it to the latest standards. Upgrading existing infrastructure is much harder.

That said, our train system goes to every city in the country and most towns, it's normally clean, it's punctuality is really quite good, the only real complaint is capacity, which is down to speed, which is down to the age of infrastructure and the need to upgrade.

It would help if we hadn't neglected it for 40 years of course.


I spent a week recently on a Greek island, I'd be an idiot if I thought that living their was the same as having a holiday there though.

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Why do I think 'I can speak on behalf of everyone else' - your reasons for going are because you value materialism over things like living in a communty amongst friends.

In my experience people who are loners go overseas to pursue their careers because they can't make it here, and try to start again somewhere else.


Why would someone with no friends need to go abroad to find a job? Socialising and careers are two completely different things.


From my experience, the people who like to go abroad for extended periods of time are confident in their social skills enough that they will meet people. The type of person who wants to be born, live and die all within 5 miles of each other are generally the type of person who is insecure and feels that they cannot adapt to other cultures or way of life.


Why the hell anyone would want to spend their entire life in one place is beyond me. Life is too short and the world is too small to have that backward sort of attitude.

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Clarkson is, in local parlence, a daft pillock

I buggered off to the tropics, have two houses, a ruddy fantastic lifestyle and no winter to get cold in.

My salary is around five times that of a police inspector for doing sod all except talking.


Well I miss the fish and chips and Indian food but bugger all else.

No drunks roving the streets smashing things up, a minor drug problem compared to the UK and, best of all, no cretinous Clarkson spouting crap on TV.

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Why would someone with no friends need to go abroad to find a job? Socialising and careers are two completely different things.


From my experience, the people who like to go abroad for extended periods of time are confident in their social skills enough that they will meet people. The type of person who wants to be born, live and die all within 5 miles of each other are generally the type of person who is insecure and feels that they cannot adapt to other cultures or way of life.


Why the hell anyone would want to spend their entire life in one place is beyond me. Life is too short and the world is too small to have that backward sort of attitude.




Well it was perhaps a bit of a sweeping comment (and I had been on the pop) but it was based on a couple of people I know, one was from Sheffield who came from a bit of a messed up family whom he needed to literally put some clear water between, hence he emigrated to Australia.


What irks me is people who leave this country then via sites such as this feel the need to let everybody know how wondeful it is where they are and try to rub our noses in it. If they like it so much where they are why do they feel the need to join forums such as this. There must be forums that they can join in the places thay have gone to, but then that would spoil the fun!

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