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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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The Palestinians are attacking Israel, who are only defending themselves.


Palestinians attacking an Israeli school:




Israelis attacking a Palestinian school:




It's peace and love for their fellow man, but not as we know it.

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so once again its blame the west because of its terrible sinful ways their filthy women going about showing off their ankles and young people enjoying themselves oh yeah thats what we secular western people do now i may be off tangent a little be when somebody goes to an islamic country and steps out of line its jail and deportation time but we soft touches in the west offer open arms to all cultures and religions only to be told that our wayof living is wrong according to their religion or culture well if thats the case and people find it so offensive then why come to a secular country in the first place now dont get me wrong if you want to believe that elmer the elephant live under your sofa a nd btings world peace good for you just dont tell me to believe in him and dress and act according to your beliefs and try to remember tolerance is a two way street

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BoyFriday, your replies are illogical rants. You're obviously blinded by a good brainwashing in your youth if you honestly believe the clap-trap you spout.


You think Muslim women are only persecuted in extreme Islamic states? What a load of nonsense! How do you explain the untold number of honour killings then?


You think just becuase you're a doctor that you can't be an extrmist? What about the wack-job GP's who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport? What about the Psychaitrist who killed the soldiers at Fort Hood screaming, "Allah'u Akbar" as he cowardly mowed them down in cold blood!?


Anyway, all this bickering back and forth is getting us nowhere. Let's look at this from a different perspective and assume that some Muslim's really are peace loving citizens and not time bombs just waiting to explode into another murder spree or honour killing. Let's assume they really can fit into a civilised western society and put the good of their nation ahead of their barbaric Shariah Laws and antiquated belief system. Where are their protests every time a Muslim psycho kills in the name of their religion of peace? Their silence is deafening!


Let's face it. It's the extremists who are in charge of the Islamic religion. Not the moderates. It's the extremists who call the shots and make the rules. Not the moderates. As with Nazi Germany in the 40's, it's irrelevant whether some Muslim's are peace loving as it's the extremsits who are calling the shots. Did it really matter in the 40's that not all Germans were Nazi's? No? Just as it doesn't matter now that some Muslim's aren't extremists! It's the extremists who control the religion of Islam and it's the extremists who want to kill everyone who isn't a Muslim!


Don't worry, he has more faces than a ..... multifaced thing. He constantly backtracks, flips scenarios to deflect attention away from himself and refuses point-blank to accept solid facts if they contradict his own narrow-minded views. For someone who says he isn't a muslim, he appears to know an awful lot about them, is quite consistent with his support for them and his often disclosed disatisfaction with israeli and western society is a bit of a giveaway.

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True in theory. In practice? It does not appear so. A great many "patriotic" Americans are bitterly opposed to Islam, and claim that their constitution supports that opposition - which, as you point out, it palpably does not.

Much of the opposition to the mosque, and hatred of Islam is being fed by radio and TV talk show hosts of Republican persuasion namely Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O' Reilly. Fox News hacks paid for by Murdoch, who is not even a citizen. Politicians such as Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin are also feeding the fires. Its an election year, and Obama has come out in support of the mosque, hence the crap about him being a moslem and born in Indonesia or whatever. These people are doing immense harm to America, as you can see from some of the posts on this thread. There are, unfortunately, more than enough fools here who believe them. On the other hand a lot of us don't. It's called pluralism. Anyone who says America this or America that is a bigger fool. Saying " Some Americans " is true.

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Im not. Im questioning what kind of religious freedom they want to be able to erect a monument to their victory on the doorstep of the buildings they destroyed.

Its all about a sticking 2 fingers up to the rest of the world for them and nothing to do with being the religion of peace. If all they wanted to do was spread the word and be a centre for religous tollerance (as some of them have said) then why the need to build such an offensive structure so close to a site of mass murder?

In America we only use one finger.
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The same could easily be asked of much of the Muslim world.


"How do you win hearts and minds in Washington when you are chanting "Death to America, Death to the West, Death to America, Death to the West" whilst burning the Stars and Stripes and firebombing US Embassies?"


...or perhaps...


"How do you win hearts and minds when you want to build a Mosque two blocks away from where thousands of people were killed by Muslims?"


I think the oppositioon to the New York Mosque is being deliberately misinterpreted as Islamophobic by those whose interest it serves as having a perceived victimisation, so that is the rhetoric they whip up.


You have to admit they have played a blinder. Do something that will provoke an adverse reaction (like build a Mosque near Ground Zero), then misrepresent that reaction as Islamophobic, then get as many Muslims as possible to think the Americans are anti-Islam. That is what they really want.


Very unfortunate that so many are falling for it.




Muslims are not one's TRYING to win hearts and minds!

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