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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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The same cannot be asked of the Muslim world as the Muslim world is not an occupying power in Washington.


For a start the proposed Mosque is not a Mosque it's an outreach centre secondly there is no evidence that Muslims were behind 9/11 apart from the Bush administration saying it was Binladen just like they said Saddam had wmd :hihi:


The buildings came down in controlled demolition which cannot be done by crashing passenger planes into them, this would knock out a few floors. Air traffic control do not let planes deviate so far of course that they crash into the twin towers without anybody having any idea. Jets are scrambled long before that happens. Also amatuers learning to fly on crop dusters couldn't have manoivered passenger planes into the twin towers at high speed even the most esperienced pilot in the world can't do it. Watxh the documentary tip of the iceburg 9/11 on youtube.


There are churches in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq even though Christian nations have bombed and invaded the country causing devistation on the scale of daily 9/11s.


the scary thing is there's alot of nutters out there that believe drivel like this .the next step is to join an organization that thinks the same ,then go and blow people up that don"t believe you

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My bold.

I disagree.

On what grounds do you disagree? Where is your evidence that large numbers of people (especially in comparison to the billion + you are blaming) were responsible for the 11/9 attacks?


Are you not aware that terrorists groups for obvious security reasons tend to try and involve as few people as possible in every operation.


You latest bit of idiocy aside why are you ignoring my main point which is about how unjust it is of you to attempt to depict all muslims including the ones behind this new mosque as being collectively responsible for the 11/9 attacks.

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On what grounds do you disagree? Where is your evidence that large numbers of people (especially in comparison to the billion + you are blaming) were responsible for the 11/9 attacks?


Are you not aware that terrorists groups for obvious security reasons tend to try and involve as few people as possible in every operation.


You latest bit of idiocy aside why are you ignoring my main point which is about how unjust it is of you to attempt to depict all muslims including the ones behind this new mosque as being collectively responsible for the 11/9 attacks.


Perhaps on the same grounds you blame Christians for what the Jews did in the Old Testament, which is even more stupid than blaming Muslims for what Muslims do.



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LOL, still that obsession with personalities Mecky? If there's a reason for deflecting things away from myself, it's because these discussions aren't about me. Please feel free to provide examples of my back tracking-you won't find any.


Scenario flipping is useful, because it places you in someone else's shoes, a quality that too many are unable to appreciate. I wouldn't expect you to be able to see anything from a Muslim's perspective, which is why you're unable to be empathetic to their situation.




No, I'm not a Muslim, don't know many and don't have any affection for their religion, I'm only interested in the truth and if that has enabled me to learn an awful lot about them then that is a better position to be in than speaking from one of deliberate ignorance isn't it?


Ironically, if you look at the post only a couple above yours you'll see a link I've posted to Muslims attacking a Jewish school-hardly an example of narrow mindedness, I've yet to see anything you've posted that challenges your usual one trick pony diatribes.


We both know what your game is ... and you will not succeed

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Evidence that I've ever done anything of the sort please.


Too many bad memories, like you calling Jews psychos. Then you call me and other Christians "deluded fools." Then you go on to say "it may well turn out that Allah is actually even more violent, bigoted, intolerant and psychotically narcissistic than Yahweh"


You paint Jews, Muslims, and Christians with the same brush. You link them all together and then you call someone an idiot for linking Muslims with the 9/11 attack.


I said some accurate things about the God described in the Bible it’s not my fault that they were also 'awful' personally I blame the psychos who wrote stuff like this:

Deuteronomy 13:6-9 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.


And of cause all the deluded fools who consider the fictional character they believed wrote that to be ‘just and loving’.



Nonsense, the Muslim holy book is not the bible as such any criticisms I make about the God as described in the Bible do not apply to the God described in the Koran.


Never having read the Koran I don't know that much about Allah, but from what I do know he sounds almost as unpleasant as Yahweh if I ever do get round to reading it it may well turn out that Allah is actually even more violent, bigoted, intolerant and psychotically narcissistic than Yahweh not quite sure how that would be possible though, both books are still nothing more than popular collections of fairy tales either way.



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If the Palestinian kids are, supposedly, so well-armed, how is it that israel kills 10 Palestinians for every one israeli?


To be blunt, Israeli's are better shots.

We dont ask for rockets to be fired into our homeland eveey day but when they are, we deal with it.

how else would you expect us to act?

Ignore it?

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