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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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All religion in my personal opinion is a form of fear & control to the masses.


It causes wars and unrest and does the exact opposite of what it was intended to do. All in all it's a bit of a paradox. E.g love thy neighbour, thy shall not kill, do onto others as they have done onto you etc.


I do think however that people should be free to practice it if they choose....but just wonder if something is missing in their lives?

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I'm afraid Britain and the US lost the moral high ground the day they introduced themselves to Iraq and Afghanistan with armed combat soldiers, and bombing campaigns.


Like you said that the west lost the moral high ground but little did we know that we had a practicing catholic as prime minister!


USA Sept 11th 2001- 2977 victims


Matthew Chapter 7 Verse 12? (So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets)

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Like you said that the west lost the moral high ground but little did we know that we had a practicing catholic as prime minister!


USA Sept 11th 2001- 2977 victims


Matthew Chapter 7 Verse 12? (So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets)


..and that just about sums it up.


I don't believe Muslim extremists have any justification for their actions, any more than we or the Americans do.


If history taught us anything it's that 2 wrongs seldom make a right.

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The same could easily be asked of much of the Muslim world.


"How do you win hearts and minds in Washington when you are chanting "Death to America, Death to the West, Death to America, Death to the West" whilst burning the Stars and Stripes and firebombing US Embassies?"


...or perhaps...


You might like to recall the USA's role in toppling the democratically elected Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh because of his social reforming in the Iran in the 50s, US support for the illegal occupation of Palestine?


They seem like good reasons for anyone to be suspicious of Western motives in the middle east.


"How do you win hearts and minds when you want to build a Mosque two blocks away from where thousands of people were killed by Muslims?"


I think the oppositioon to the New York Mosque is being deliberately misinterpreted as Islamophobic by those whose interest it serves as having a perceived victimisation, so that is the rhetoric they whip up.


You have to admit they have played a blinder. Do something that will provoke an adverse reaction (like build a Mosque near Ground Zero), then misrepresent that reaction as Islamophobic, then get as many Muslims as possible to think the Americans are anti-Islam. That is what they really want.


Very unfortunate that so many are falling for it.




As for the Mosque you never answered the question, how can you frame opposition to the mosque in any terms that aren't islamaphobic? You keep saying the wishes of the victims families as if they are a homogeneous entity, when they aren't. Many think that those objecting to the mosque are the ones insulting the memory of their relatives that died and for good reason those objecting to the mosque do so by equating Islam with terrorism.... pretty much the definition of Islamophobia.. As for it being obvious it was not obvious to anyone that the mosque would cause an uproar apart from a few on the far right, the early reports of the complex were all positive.


It is sad to see the same demonisation of people that Hitler used (he said exactly the same of Jews being a terrorist religion) being used in the USA which as part of its constitution defends freedom of religion. The so called patriots attacking the mosque are at best small minded bigots and they certainly aren't patriots because they don't even understand the traditions their country supposedly stands for..

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Only one of the approved American religions though, not these foreign religions.


The 1st Amendment to the American constitution states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


By default all religions are approved.


Incidentally, which religions aren't foreign?

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The 1st Amendment to the American constitution states:


By default all religions are approved.



True in theory. In practice? It does not appear so. A great many "patriotic" Americans are bitterly opposed to Islam, and claim that their constitution supports that opposition - which, as you point out, it palpably does not.

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On the subject of islam i found this very interesting


It does illustrate the sort of "fear and disinformation" being circulated about islam rather well.


Look through the posters videos.... all anti-islamic


His friends MohammeDterrorist, Jihadexposed, Muslimwhacker, inthenameoftheWest, NickGriffern, GeertWildersLoyalist. All primarily featuring Islam hate videos.


Anyone would think there was some sort of campaign going on.....:suspect:

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