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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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On the subject of islam i found this very interesting


Interesting only if you're seeking reasons to hate.


It's a very slick video created by someone who's media savvy and with a creative background, but-Three things we didn't know about Islam?


There are probably 1003 things I don't know about Islam, just as there are thousands of things I don't know about Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism etc, but I'm sure there would be 3 things I could pick out from any religion and interpret it similarly.


All religions or belief systems if extended to their logical conclusion (ie -our way is the only way), will create conflict with non believers, however rather than listen to sensational rhetoric aren't out personal experiences more important?


I've never encountered a Muslim who wants to convert me, impose their will on me or kill me because I'm a non Muslim or challenged their religious views-until that happens with some regularity I'll remain quite relaxed about it.

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Ah yes, the "America was founded as a Christian nation and that part of the constitution applies only to Christianity" theory.


Which is also palpably untrue.


In Thomas Jefferson's own words “religious freedom is the most effectual anodyne against religious dissension.”

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It causes wars and unrest and does the exact opposite of what it was intended to do. All in all it's a bit of a paradox. E.g love thy neighbour, thy shall not kill, do onto others as they have done onto you etc.


So does oil, diamonds, or any other resource.


I think the excuse of religion is used to cause wars and unrest.

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You might like to recall the USA's role in toppling the democratically elected Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh because of his social reforming in the Iran in the 50s, US support for the illegal occupation of Palestine?


They seem like good reasons for anyone to be suspicious of Western motives in the middle east.


Wildcat this is 2010 not the 1950's. What you seem to be saying is any suspicion of the Americans or the West by Muslims is OK and can be justified, but any suspicion going in the other direction cannot be justified and is Islamophobic. So stuff going back 60 years is enough to warrant this suspicion on the "Muslim side", but for Americans to see Muslims wanting to build a Mosque so close to where 3000+ people died less than a decade ago goes no way at all towards warranting any suspicion by some but by no means all Americans?


As for the Mosque you never answered the question, how can you frame opposition to the mosque in any terms that aren't islamaphobic? You keep saying the wishes of the victims families as if they are a homogeneous entity, when they aren't. Many think that those objecting to the mosque are the ones insulting the memory of their relatives that died and for good reason those objecting to the mosque do so by equating Islam with terrorism.... pretty much the definition of Islamophobia.. As for it being obvious it was not obvious to anyone that the mosque would cause an uproar apart from a few on the far right, the early reports of the complex were all positive.


Wildcat you are misrepresenting my views. I have never said that all 9/11 victims and their families hold a single viewpoint against the Mosque. I do however acknowledge that a significant proportion of 9/11 victims are their families are against it. Surely even you must be able to acknowledge? And 9/11 was not only an emotional event for those that were there or had family killed. Millions of Americans watched on TV screens as their country and their way of life was attacked and their country folk perished, so it is no surprise that places such as Ground Zero are embedded on the phsyci (sp) of many Americans as hallowed ground. I do not understand how people like you cannot understand this, I'd have thought anybody with a bit of basic humanity, compassion and tollerance could understand it?


You ask how it can be perceived as anything but Islamophobic? I would ask why anybody would immediately perceive opposition to it as Islamophobic before considering that Ground Zero is a special place for those that oppose the Mosque and holds special significance. Perhaps their grief and emotions does not allow them to want to accept a Mosque so near, that does by no means by any measure make them Islamophobic, or point to them equating Muslims in general as being of the same ilk as the 9/11 attackers. In fact much of the opposition favour a move of the Mosque to another site, if they were so Islamophobic they would be against the Mosque being built altogether, but many of them do acknowledge the good this Mosque could do, just not at it's present location. In that context, you should really ask yourself again, is that Islamophobic?

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I dont hate anyone, i look for no reason to hate dispite the fact islam gives so many good reason to and yet i still found it interesting.


..don't believe you are looking for reasons to hate, but the link you posted will be particularly compelling to those who are.

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..don't believe you are looking for reasons to hate, but the link you posted will be particularly compelling to those who are.


Then if you are looking for reasons to hate you wont need to see that video.

You will already hate.

As for the video there is nothing in there that, as you put it gives reason to hate. You just dont like the content and so you are suggesting it is something it is not?

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