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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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Anyway, I didn't come here for a debate on Islam or the ground zero mosque. I came here to post on a weddig flowers topic in another thread. I'm new here and found out I need to have made at least five posts before I can add a URL to a topic. This should be number five! So, farewell. I'm off to get on with my life :)

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I don't think they'll be able to get ANY construction company in America to lift tools for such an abomination.
:hihi::hihi::hihi: Would you like a little bet on that? The way the US building trade is right now they'll be begging for the work.


I'm not a troll (whatever that is) I'm just disgusted at the insensitivty of the Muslim community. Rather than building a 13 story mosque at ground zero, they'd be better donating money to the victims of their religion.

Why? Did you know they're including a memorial to Ground Zero within the new building?

The man I'm referring to is "Feisal Abdul Rauf". Now, what did this moderate say just a few days after 9/11? Well, of course, what all moderates would say, quote, “I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened, but United States policies were an accessory to the crime that did happen.”

..and that's quite true, just as Bush and Blair used 9/11 as justification to prosecute an illegal war on foreign territory.

Now, let me ask you this: Would a moderate imam, a peaceful Muslim employ another imam who told an Arabic language website that, quote, “Only the Jews could have perpetrated the 9/11 attack.” That kind of sounds like Jeremiah Wright, doesn’t it? And if Americans only knew that it was the Jews’ fault, they, quote, “would have done to Jews what Hitler did,” end quote. And that Jews, quote, “disseminate corruption in the land and spread heresy, homosexuality, alcoholism and drugs.”


Could you provide a link please so we can consider the statement in full context? Thanks

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: Would you like a little bet on that? The way the US building trade is right now they'll be begging for the work.


Why? Did you know they're including a memorial to Ground Zero within the new building?

..and that's quite true, just as Bush and Blair used 9/11 as justification to prosecute an illegal war on foreign territory.



Could you provide a link please so we can consider the statement in full context? Thanks


There isn't an American construction company in the land that would stoop to those levels. Some things aren't worth money and honour is one of those things. You'll see, not a worker in America would lift a finger to build this insulting monstrosity.


If you want to learn about the guy behind the mosque then may I suggest you use Google. It's a useful tool and I don't have time to spoon feed you. You have clearly made up your own mind anyway. You more or less agree with this psycho that Americans were to blame for 9/11?!? Shame on you!

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There isn't an American construction company in the land that would stoop to those levels. Some things aren't worth money and honour is one of those things. You'll see, not a worker in America would lift a finger to build this insulting monstrosity.
Let's watch shall we? The building isn't on the site of Ground Zero, so despite what your views are, the shareholders in US construction firms will soon show who has the whiphand if there's any dissension from employees.

You more or less agree with this psycho that Americans were to blame for 9/11?!? Shame on you!

Shame on me? Whatever for? I'm exploring the phenomenon known as 'cause & effect', are you familiar with it?


It's what the 9/11 bombers used to justify their actions and what Messrs Blair & Bush used to justify invading a foreign country, oh that and a false claim regarding the existence of weapons of mass destruction.


Far more American and UK forces and civilians have been lost fighting that pointless campaign than people who were lost to 9/11, so why don't you try to keep it in perspective.

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He can't be that much of a friend of Murdoch's then... :)


That is the funniest thing about it :D


It's what we always suspected though, and endorses artisan's belief (I think it was artisan) that there's a capitalist conspiracy going on!


Religious/cultural barriers mean nothing to the people who really make this world go around, provided they can accumulate as much wealth and wield as much influence as they possibly can...religion is just a placebo for the shortcomings in the lives of the masses, created by the powerful to keep the rest of us scumbags in order ;)

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The same could easily be asked of much of the Muslim world.


"How do you win hearts and minds in Washington when you are chanting "Death to America, Death to the West, Death to America, Death to the West" whilst burning the Stars and Stripes and firebombing US Embassies?"


...or perhaps...


"How do you win hearts and minds when you want to build a Mosque two blocks away from where thousands of people were killed by Muslims?"


I think the oppositioon to the New York Mosque is being deliberately misinterpreted as Islamophobic by those whose interest it serves as having a perceived victimisation, so that is the rhetoric they whip up.


You have to admit they have played a blinder. Do something that will provoke an adverse reaction (like build a Mosque near Ground Zero), then misrepresent that reaction as Islamophobic, then get as many Muslims as possible to think the Americans are anti-Islam. That is what they really want.


Very unfortunate that so many are falling for it.




mj, are you black ? :) I'm just asking because your posts ( that I enjoy) don't sound as though you are, unless your High Yellow :) , sorry KK, just asking him :wave:

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mj, are you black ? :) I'm just asking because your posts ( that I enjoy) don't sound as though you are, unless your High Yellow :) , sorry KK, just asking him :wave:


LOL, it's ok popps, I think the only thing we share is the same alma mater, not skin colour :hihi:

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