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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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mj, are you black ? :) I'm just asking because your posts ( that I enjoy) don't sound as though you are, unless your High Yellow :) , sorry KK, just asking him :wave:


Lol, I'm not sure how a black post sounds (better ask BF :)) but no I'm white.


My avatar is a local hero where I live, Herol "Bomber" Graham. According to his Wiki page he's from Nottingham, but he trained at a boxing gym near me with another local hero Brendan Ingle who is well known for producing many great boxers and he does so much in the community.


Bomber Graham used to visit the clubs (Working Men's Clubs etc) and he used to kneel down and let all the kids punch him in the face with a boxing glove. Great guy.

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Lol, I'm not sure how a black post sounds (better ask BF :)) but no I'm white.
My teachers had hell on beating colloquial phraseology out of me: Jumpin Jehoshaphat, I dun cotton pickin now yer tellin me to read buks? Who iz dis little black Sambo anyhows?? ;)
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What's to like about Islam? They're forcing through plans to build a mosque at ground zero FFS! What an insult to the victims of that day, killed in the name of this dispicable religion.


Who is forcing who? Insult? What are you chatting about! FYI, Get your facts right before you make such ludicrous remarks. The Mosque has been there since 1970 shock horror way before the WTC :rolleyes: It is two-four blocks away not bang next to it.


Your keep on believing the hype that is what they want :roll:

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It seems to me that a lot of people dislike islam without knowing anything about it, basing their ideas off stereotypes, then complain when they are called bigots, despite them being the very definition of bigoted. Not aimed at anyone in particular of course.


I dislike Islam because I do know a lot about it, not becuase I don't. That'd be irrational.


Tell me then, what's to like about Islam? They oppress their women to the extreme where their evidence in court is only worth half of a man's. In Islamic countries they stone women to death and hang gay men. For what?


They preach nothing but hatred and intolerance and I see nothing about this barbaric religion that's likeable. Nothing at all.


Do you know how many Islamic terrorist attacks there have been across the world since 9/11? Google it.


So tell me, what's to like about Islam?

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Tell me then, what's to like about Islam? They oppress their women to the extreme where their evidence in court is only worth half of a man's.
In Europe? America? Anywhere apart from the most fundamentalist countries?

In Islamic countries they stone women to death and hang gay men. For what?
Plenty of Christians that think like that, here's a stellar example..




They preach nothing but hatred and intolerance

I'll bear that in mind next time I visit my GP, or minimart at some unsociable hour.

Do you know how many Islamic terrorist attacks there have been across the world since 9/11? Google it.

Hmm..and I wonder how Muslims perceive the presence of Western forces in Iraq and Agfghanistan?

So tell me, what's to like about Islam?


What's to like about intransigence?

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In Europe? America? Anywhere apart from the most fundamentalist countries?

Plenty of Christians that think like that, here's a stellar example..




I'll bear that in mind next time I visit my GP, or minimart at some unsociable hour.

Hmm..and I wonder how Muslims perceive the presence of Western forces in Iraq and Agfghanistan?


What's to like about intransigence?


BoyFriday, your replies are illogical rants. You're obviously blinded by a good brainwashing in your youth if you honestly believe the clap-trap you spout.


You think Muslim women are only persecuted in extreme Islamic states? What a load of nonsense! How do you explain the untold number of honour killings then?


You think just becuase you're a doctor that you can't be an extrmist? What about the wack-job GP's who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport? What about the Psychaitrist who killed the soldiers at Fort Hood screaming, "Allah'u Akbar" as he cowardly mowed them down in cold blood!?


Anyway, all this bickering back and forth is getting us nowhere. Let's look at this from a different perspective and assume that some Muslim's really are peace loving citizens and not time bombs just waiting to explode into another murder spree or honour killing. Let's assume they really can fit into a civilised western society and put the good of their nation ahead of their barbaric Shariah Laws and antiquated belief system. Where are their protests every time a Muslim psycho kills in the name of their religion of peace? Their silence is deafening!


Let's face it. It's the extremists who are in charge of the Islamic religion. Not the moderates. It's the extremists who call the shots and make the rules. Not the moderates. As with Nazi Germany in the 40's, it's irrelevant whether some Muslim's are peace loving as it's the extremsits who are calling the shots. Did it really matter in the 40's that not all Germans were Nazi's? No? Just as it doesn't matter now that some Muslim's aren't extremists! It's the extremists who control the religion of Islam and it's the extremists who want to kill everyone who isn't a Muslim!

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BoyFriday, your replies are illogical rants. You're obviously blinded by a good brainwashing in your youth if you honestly believe the clap-trap you spout.
Don't know which bit of your post I prefer, the illogical bit or the rant bit :suspect: As for brainwashing in my youth, well I attended a very grey comprehensive school, can't remember any Muslims there or discussion of them, it's only in middle age that they appear to have become a problem to some people who are unable to be led by their personal experiences of Muslims they know and encounter-when was the last time your taxi driver pulled a gun on you or threatened to blow up your house...you infidel!

You think Muslim women are only persecuted in extreme Islamic states? What a load of nonsense! How do you explain the untold number of honour killings then?

Was Raoul Moat a Muslim? Killing for 'honour' is about jealousy and envy, it doesn't exclude men from non Muslim backgrounds from it's membership.

You think just becuase you're a doctor that you can't be an extrmist?

I'm not a doctor, how did you arrive at that conclusion? ;)

What about the wack-job GP's who tried to blow up Glasgow Airport? What about the Psychaitrist who killed the soldiers at Fort Hood screaming, "Allah'u Akbar" as he cowardly mowed them down in cold blood!?

I was giving you examples of Muslims I encounter in my day to day life, their occupation wasn't relevant.

Anyway, all this bickering back and forth is getting us nowhere. Let's look at this from a different perspective and assume that some Muslim's really are peace loving citizens and not time bombs just waiting to explode into another murder spree or honour killing.

Yes, let's look at it from a different perspective-you're wrong.

Let's assume they really can fit into a civilised western society and put the good of their nation ahead of their barbaric Shariah Laws and antiquated belief system. Where are their protests every time a Muslim psycho kills in the name of their religion of peace? Their silence is deafening!

Hadn't you noticed the Muslims who've lived here for decades without troubling anyone? That's because they don't feel they have to. If there was any credibility in your fear we'd all have been quietly wiped out by now. Incidentally, if you want to see what rank & file Muslims think about terrorism have a good look through the website of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, unfortunately the Daily Mail have little interest in covering their press releases, which is probably why you haven't heard from this 'silent majority'. There's also the Quilliam Foundation who speak out regularly against extremism.

Let's face it. It's the extremists who are in charge of the Islamic religion. Not the moderates. It's the extremists who call the shots and make the rules. Not the moderates.

I'm guessing that assumption isn't evidence based, since there's no evidence to substantiate it.

As with Nazi Germany in the 40's, it's irrelevant whether some Muslim's are peace loving as it's the extremsits who are calling the shots. Did it really matter in the 40's that not all Germans were Nazi's? No? Just as it doesn't matter now that some Muslim's aren't extremists! It's the extremists who control the religion of Islam and it's the extremists who want to kill everyone who isn't a Muslim!

Well you've managed to arrive at the conclusion you wanted to by starting it with a false assumption.

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Don't know which bit of your post I prefer, the illogical bit or the rant bit :suspect: As for brainwashing in my youth, well I attended a very grey comprehensive school, can't remember any Muslims there or discussion of them, it's only in middle age that they appear to have become a problem to some people who are unable to be led by their personal experiences of Muslims they know and encounter-when was the last time your taxi driver pulled a gun on you or threatened to blow up your house...you infidel!

Was Raoul Moat a Muslim? Killing for 'honour' is about jealousy and envy, it doesn't exclude men from non Muslim backgrounds from it's membership.

I'm not a doctor, how did you arrive at that conclusion? ;)

I was giving you examples of Muslims I encounter in my day to day life, their occupation wasn't relevant.

Yes, let's look at it from a different perspective-you're wrong.

Hadn't you noticed the Muslims who've lived here for decades without troubling anyone? That's because they don't feel they have to. If there was any credibility in your fear we'd all have been quietly wiped out by now. Incidentally, if you want to see what rank & file Muslims think about terrorism have a good look through the website of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, unfortunately the Daily Mail have little interest in covering their press releases, which is probably why you haven't heard from this 'silent majority'. There's also the Quilliam Foundation who speak out regularly against extremism.

I'm guessing that assumption isn't evidence based, since there's no evidence to substantiate it.


Well you've managed to arrive at the conclusion you wanted to by starting it with a false assumption.


No actually you're wrong. I have arrived at a conclusion. You're dellusional. Next you'll be citing CAIR as the friendly Mulsim society, right? Haven't you heard of the word taquia? Look at the background of the people behind the MCB and the Quilliam Foundation. Read about their past and their associates, they're not who you'd like us to believe! Just as the wack-job behind the ground zero mosque is not who you'd like us to believe.


Anyway, I've spent too much of my time replying to your dellusional rants, people are already waking up to Islam. There will be no mosque at ground zero and even if they do start laying bricks there, you can be sure some of the good old American boys will be adding some bacon fat to the mortar. Does that mean those who worship there are doomed to hell in your wacky religion of peace? Does that mean they'll be attaked in their coffin by a nine headed snake? What a bunch of nut cases :loopy:



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Let's face it. It's the extremists who are in charge of the Islamic religion. Not the moderates. It's the extremists who call the shots and make the rules. Not the moderates. As with Nazi Germany in the 40's, it's irrelevant whether some Muslim's are peace loving as it's the extremsits who are calling the shots. Did it really matter in the 40's that not all Germans were Nazi's? No? Just as it doesn't matter now that some Muslim's aren't extremists! It's the extremists who control the religion of Islam and it's the extremists who want to kill everyone who isn't a Muslim!


A few articles about the Nazi regime to consider and the role propoganda played.







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