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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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This is exactly the sort of thing I'm on about with religion in general! Just read the last 3 or 4 pages & all step back & take a look at yourselves! No point getting worked up about it.....religion is just a control for the masses & an utter waste of time!!!!!


It's just a pitty that the people who practice it haven't got something more PEACE-LOVING to be getting on with!

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No actually you're wrong. I have arrived at a conclusion. You're dellusional. Next you'll be citing CAIR as the friendly Mulsim society, right? Haven't you heard of the word taquia? Look at the background of the people behind the MCB and the Quilliam Foundation. Read about their past and their associates, they're not who you'd like us to believe! Just as the wack-job behind the ground zero mosque is not who you'd like us to believe.


Anyway, I've spent too much of my time replying to your dellusional rants, people are already waking up to Islam. There will be no mosque at ground zero and even if they do start laying bricks there, you can be sure some of the good old American boys will be adding some bacon fat to the mortar. Does that mean those who worship there are doomed to hell in your wacky religion of peace? Does that mean they'll be attaked in their coffin by a nine headed snake? What a bunch of nut cases :loopy:




See ya! :wave:

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This is exactly the sort of thing I'm on about with religion in general! Just read the last 3 or 4 pages & all step back & take a look at yourselves! No point getting worked up about it.....religion is just a control for the masses & an utter waste of time!!!!!


It's just a pitty that the people who practice it haven't got something more PEACE-LOVING to be getting on with!


But while we are all finding something else to get along with, Islam is quietly getting its feet under the table in this country. Tower Hamlets is under the influence of the Islamic Forum of Europe. And look at where places like Birmingham and Leicester are going. its frightening.

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But while we are all finding something else to get along with, Islam is quietly getting its feet under the table in this country. Tower Hamlets is under the influence of the Islamic Forum of Europe. And look at where places like Birmingham and Leicester are going. its frightening.


Crack on then...... join the army and get shooting!

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But while we are all finding something else to get along with, Islam is quietly getting its feet under the table in this country. Tower Hamlets is under the influence of the Islamic Forum of Europe. And look at where places like Birmingham and Leicester are going. its frightening.


Tower hamlets isn't.



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Haven't you heard of the word taquia?


That intrigued me when you mentioned it. It would have helped had you spelt it correctly.




So for muslims it is ok to lie to protect yourself from persecution. That sounds like sound pragmatic advice.


Perhaps our Christian martyrs in history would have benefited from such a pragmatic view?

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if you want to see what rank & file Muslims think about terrorism have a good look through the website of the Muslim Council of Great Britain


Ask the MCB about their stance on homosexuality or their boycoting of holocaust memorial day. peter Tatchell where are ya? where are ya? :suspect:

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It seems to me that a lot of people dislike islam without knowing anything about it, basing their ideas off stereotypes, then complain when they are called bigots, despite them being the very definition of bigoted. Not aimed at anyone in particular of course.


There is also the prejudice that all people who dislike Islam do so because they are irrational bigots. There are plenty of people who dislike Islam on perfectly rational grounds. In fact anyone who believes in rationalism, science and equality must find much to dislike about Islam.


I'll also agree there are racist bigots who know nothing about Islam and just dislike it because it's alien to them.

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Those people were going to be upset whatever happened, the proposed mosque and cultural centre is doing them a favour-giving them something tangible to vent their spleen at.



What an insulting thing to say.

As someone who lost family at the twin towers i find your comments hurtful and no where near the truth.

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