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Anti-Islam hysteria: Abuse and Demand Respect at the same time?

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I dont recall saying that. I used the word They to mean the muslim faith.

That was the reason stated for the destruction and murder on that sad day wasnt it?

But "the muslim faith" didn't destroy any buildings a few adherents to a particular variety of Islam did.


Your use of "they" in this circumstance to try and collectively hold all muslims collectively guilty for the crimes of a few is just as unjustified as when anti-semites attempt to hold all Jews collectively guilty for the crimes of individual Jews.

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The same could easily be asked of much of the Muslim world.


"How do you win hearts and minds in Washington when you are chanting "Death to America, Death to the West, Death to America, Death to the West" whilst burning the Stars and Stripes and firebombing US Embassies?"


...or perhaps...


"How do you win hearts and minds when you want to build a Mosque two blocks away from where thousands of people were killed by Muslims?"


I think the oppositioon to the New York Mosque is being deliberately misinterpreted as Islamophobic by those whose interest it serves as having a perceived victimisation, so that is the rhetoric they whip up.


You have to admit they have played a blinder. Do something that will provoke an adverse reaction (like build a Mosque near Ground Zero), then misrepresent that reaction as Islamophobic, then get as many Muslims as possible to think the Americans are anti-Islam. That is what they really want.


Very unfortunate that so many are falling for it.




The same cannot be asked of the Muslim world as the Muslim world is not an occupying power in Washington.


For a start the proposed Mosque is not a Mosque it's an outreach centre secondly there is no evidence that Muslims were behind 9/11 apart from the Bush administration saying it was Binladen just like they said Saddam had wmd :hihi:


The buildings came down in controlled demolition which cannot be done by crashing passenger planes into them, this would knock out a few floors. Air traffic control do not let planes deviate so far of course that they crash into the twin towers without anybody having any idea. Jets are scrambled long before that happens. Also amatuers learning to fly on crop dusters couldn't have manoivered passenger planes into the twin towers at high speed even the most esperienced pilot in the world can't do it. Watxh the documentary tip of the iceburg 9/11 on youtube.


There are churches in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq even though Christian nations have bombed and invaded the country causing devistation on the scale of daily 9/11s.

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Just to clarify my opinion.

I beleive that the majority of muslims silently support or at the very least condone most of the attrocities commited all around the world against non muslim people. For it to be so widespread it cannot possibly be, as some love to say "just the minority".

This is my opinion.



what about the far worse attrocities comitted by Israel against non Jewish Palestinians and it's atacks on non Jewish people in Lebanon.


Before you try and defend Israels actions I'm not interested in your Zionist clap trap excuses for slow genocide. Also incase yopu try to accuse me of being anti semitic here are a few facts for you. A proportion of religious Jews are pro palestinian and are also attacked by the Zionist state. A large proportion of the inhabitance of Israel are of European descent meaning they are not Semites. The real Semites are the Palestinians.


Jews from all over the world are welcomed to come and live in Israel yet non Jews living in refugee camps have no right to return to their own homes in Israel. Israel is a racist state which is using the Nazi holocaust and the myth of the Islamic terrorist monster to justify its own racist crimes, it is actually no different from Nazi Germany.

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The same cannot be asked of the Muslim world as the Muslim world is not an occupying power in Washington.


There are churches in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq even though Christian nations have bombed and invaded the country causing devistation on the scale of daily 9/11s.


Churches yes. What would you think of an American Culural Center being built in Fallujah?

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what about the far worse attrocities comitted by Israel against non Jewish Palestinians and it's atacks on non Jewish people in Lebanon.


Before you try and defend Israels actions I'm not interested in your Zionist clap trap excuses for slow genocide. Also incase yopu try to accuse me of being anti semitic here are a few facts for you.



My bold. Thats a matter of opinion.

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Before you try and defend Israels actions I'm not interested in your Zionist clap trap excuses for slow genocide. Also incase yopu try to accuse me of being anti semitic here are a few facts for you. A proportion of religious Jews are pro palestinian and are also attacked by the Zionist state. A large proportion of the inhabitance of Israel are of European descent meaning they are not Semites. The real Semites are the Palestinians.


Jews from all over the world are welcomed to come and live in Israel yet non Jews living in refugee camps have no right to return to their own homes in Israel. Israel is a racist state which is using the Nazi holocaust and the myth of the Islamic terrorist monster to justify its own racist crimes, it is actually no different from Nazi Germany.

I see your true feelings abut the jewish people are pretty clear with this post.


My bold.

Tell that the people who have died at the hands of these 'myths'.

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I see your true feelings abut the jewish people are pretty clear with this post.


My bold.

Tell that the people who have died at the hands of these 'myths'.


(my bold) ,The israelis, sat safely in their tanks and armoured vehicles must be quaking in their boots at the threat of those children armed with their sticks and their stones of mass destruction, JB.

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(my bold) ,The israelis, sat safely in their tanks and armoured vehicles must be quaking in their boots at the threat of those children armed with their sticks and their stones of mass destruction, JB.


Sticks and stones and Katyusha rockets.


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