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BBC told not to rock the boat

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At least that's the angle the Guardian are putting on a supposedly secret meeting between Cameron aides and Mark Thompson..




So don't expect any unbiased opinion on govt. policy from that quarter.


Looks like Murdoch's man in Downing street has the whip hand :hihi:

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That link don't go nowhere. :rolleyes:


The Guardian story can be found here (link).


If the current government want a lesson in bullying the BBC, they can do no better than study what happened after the Hutton Enquiry.


I'm sure everyone will remember the circumstances of that. The BBC reported that the government had knowingly embellished (sexed-up") the "September Dossier", a report into Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.


As a result of the fall-out, several members of the BBC, including Director-General Greg Dyke were forced to resign.


Dr. David Kelley, who had been the BBC's source in these matters, died not long after in mysterious circumstances (supposedly suicide).


And as it turns out, the BBC and Dr. Kelly were right all along. But did Tony Blair care? No, he went on to his multi-million pound deals with JP Morgan, the Saudi etc. Greg Dyke became Chancellor of the University of York. And David Kelly? He's still dead.

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That link don't go nowhere. :rolleyes:


The Guardian story can be found here (link).


If the current government want a lesson in bullying the BBC, they can do no better than study what happened after the Hutton Enquiry.


I'm sure everyone will remember the circumstances of that. The BBC reported that the government had knowingly embellished (sexed-up") the "September Dossier", a report into Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.


As a result of the fall-out, several members of the BBC, including Director-General Greg Dyke were forced to resign.


Nice selective memory you have there.

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Back to 1984 when the BBC reversed footage of hordes of policemen charging at striking miners....


Not to forget the hundreds of thug minors , egged on by that Idiot Scargill , causing mass violence.


But hey , lets not let the truth get in the way of a pop at the police who were bravely doing their duty in trying to keep the peace in the face of severe and disgusting violent acts by the minors.

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Not to forget the hundreds of thug minors , egged on by that Idiot Scargill , causing mass violence.


But hey , lets not let the truth get in the way of a pop at the police who were bravely doing their duty in trying to keep the peace in the face of severe and disgusting violent acts by the minors.


Children were they?

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