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Problem with Noisey Neighbours, Advice Please

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It's really up to the landlord to sort this situation out. Maybe he could arrange with her to view the property to see if any damage has been done by her and her friends. What does her tenancy agreement say?


You really are in a better position with it being a private property as in most cases when the tenancy period (which at first is usually for six months) is up the landlord can refuse to renew and she will have to leave.


These youngsters usually leave well before that as they nearly always get into debt and end up having the debt collectors at the door.


I am on my 5th neighbour in 2yrs all were bad each one worse than the last, most baby-mothers.

The ones i have now are older and quiet nice but still a bit noisy.


I don't think a lot of people realise how much their noise effects their neighbours and some that do just don't care.


The diary sheets way is a complete waste of time and just a way of ignoring the problem by the powers that be. same with 101.


Next time they start phone 999 and tell them it sounds like they are fighting, they will come out and sort it.


Good luck. There is no easy way to solve this and you will no doubt like myself have many sleepless nights even when they have gone, wondering what your gonna get in next.

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It's really up to the landlord to sort this situation out. Maybe he could arrange with her to view the property to see if any damage has been done by her and her friends. What does her tenancy agreement say?


You really are in a better position with it being a private property as in most cases when the tenancy period (which at first is usually for six months) is up the landlord can refuse to renew and she will have to leave.


These youngsters usually leave well before that as they nearly always get into debt and end up having the debt collectors at the door.


I am on my 5th neighbour in 2yrs all were bad each one worse than the last, most baby-mothers.

The ones i have now are older and quiet nice but still a bit noisy.


I don't think a lot of people realise how much their noise effects their neighbours and some that do just don't care.


The diary sheets way is a complete waste of time and just a way of ignoring the problem by the powers that be. same with 101.


Next time they start phone 999 and tell them it sounds like they are fighting, they will come out and sort it.


Good luck. There is no easy way to solve this and you will no doubt like myself have many sleepless nights even when they have gone, wondering what your gonna get in next.


Thanks for your comments Liza D, I know its going to take time and I'll loads of sleepless nights to come but I'm going to make sure that they get the boot!!


We had to call 101 again last night as the usual antics were carrying on, up until 3am this time, I'm knackered! we spoke to the landlord today and he has also spoken to the letting agent who said 'don't worry, we'll sort it' - havn't got a clue what that means, probably not much!



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It seems you have handled this maturely and patiently. My advice on this is nipping it in the bud. The couple two floors below us have screaming matches at 2AM every fortnight or so. A quick call to and visit by the cops stops them. Unfortunatly being thick it's taking them time to learn that noise equals police. Apparently the Police have no actual legal power to make people stop noise but can be persuasive anyway.


At the end of the day noise is a massive cause of stress and it seems to be a rising problem in this country with councils usually slovenly in their response.

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its horrible having to put up with that kind of noise i do try to keep my music down specially after 7 at night as my neighbour has young children.They wake up around 6am ouch but im awake early and do make a noise but thats ok thats what children do.my other neighbour has a yorkie who yaps all the time shes out but to be honest im used to her barking,i have her in my garden and shes fine not to say very cute,normal household noises but all that screaming and boom boom in the early hours it would drive me mad good luck and keep trying x

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inform the landlord of whats going on, they should be able to kick them out as they are in breach of their tenancy agreement, also you can get in touch with your local council who will give you advice and forms to fill in and they send people out with things to test the level of noise, but this will take a while as you will have to monitor it for a couple of months. if they are out in the street you can call the police and they should be able to do something but if the noise is only within the property they wont do anything. all in all best approach is the landlord, hope this is helpful.

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As a student I was once on the 'giving' end of the noise when we had a party. Some of the neighbours complained (even though we'd warned them and given them beer), and the council came round (it was probably about midnight) and told us to turn the music off straight away and let the bouncy castle down.


Gotta say they were very efficient so you can rest assured that they do take noise issues seriously.


You sound like you're a reasonable person though.


If you had the do at walkley bank rd I live opposite I would not complain as the people did the right thing -they put a flyer throught he door and hired a decent band etc.Some people are prof complainers who make V Meldrew sound like Happy Jack(THE WHO 1966)They had a bouncy castle but were no problem-good lads acouple of choice women who got a bit hot etc.

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Got some new info yesturday which made me and my other half feel abit better with regards to getting her out!....


The lady who lives at the other side of our nuisance neighbour came round for a chat - turns out her brother is good mates with our idiot neighbour and her, her friends and her family are renowned for being a nuisnace and maybe having some involvement in drugs. The lady confirmed that our neighbour's daughter is not living at the address and in fact the grandmother is full time carer of the child and she is bringing the child up as her own. Got some other info too which for various reasons I cant state on here but looks like this may help in our favour! :)

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