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A multicultural future? no, Britons want Britain to remain British.

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Thank goodness for that, you had me worried for a moment. :)


My own view is that all countries have their own identity and that is good. What worries me about multiculturalism is that our own identity might be drowned under a flood of other cultures.



There are some very worrying trends occurring.

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Just because people are interested in the history of their country it doesn't mean they want to live in it.


I'm not sure what you mean Dr. but I can understand people fleeing their country due to persecution lets say, but one of my concerns is that they might bring their history with them?



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I'm not sure what you mean Dr. but I can understand people fleeing their country due to persecution lets say, but one of my concerns is that they might bring their history with them?




Didn't Christianity come from the middle east and replace the religions of this country at the time? Why is that ok but if someone does it now it's terrible? Religions change and people move on.

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I'm not sure what you mean Dr. but I can understand people fleeing their country due to persecution lets say, but one of my concerns is that they might bring their history with them?


What I meant was that just because X-million people are members of the general public are members of the national trust it doesn't mean they want to live in some romanticised - and non existant - historical notion of England.


As to imigrants bringing their history - and culture - of course they always have and always will. Your own partiular favourite of Christianity is of course an imigrant coming from the middle east, formalised in Rome and only turned into an English institution (CofE) and predominatly political entity by a king from a Welsh royal house throwing a strop. Personally I'm quite gratefull for all the wonderfull cultural influences imported into this country and long may it continue!

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Didn't Christianity come from the middle east and replace the religions of this country at the time? Why is that ok but if someone does it now it's terrible? Religions change and people move on.


I don't think we should 'knock' something because of its country of origin, what makes Britain great and the same applies to any country is that we recognise what is good, worthwhile, beneficial, noteworthy and of general benefit to all and I think the British have excelled in that. Personally I think that culturally we have the balance about right but that is only my opinion. :)


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What I meant was that just because X-million people are members of the general public are members of the national trust it doesn't mean they want to live in some romanticised - and non existant - historical notion of England.


As to imigrants bringing their history - and culture - of course they always have and always will. Your own partiular favourite of Christianity is of course an imigrant coming from the middle east, formalised in Rome and only turned into an English institution (CofE) and predominatly political entity by a king from a Welsh royal house throwing a strop. Personally I'm quite gratefull for all the wonderfull cultural influences imported into this country and long may it continue!


I don't disagree with you. For me, history helps me to understand my roots and gives me a sense of belonging and I have a love of local history which has made me appreciate my surroundings even more than I did before.


Now the local history of Sheffield is the same for everyone, regardless of their country of origin, it is 'Sheffield' history and if people are moving here and putting down roots in Sheffield then hopefully they are becoming 'Sheffielders' rather than, as at the moment, someone living in a foreign country?



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What organisation has more members than all the political parties put together?


The National Trust. It has around 4 million members, most of whom are actively involved in helping to preserve the history and heritage of Britains culture, like ancient buildings and so on.


If you go to a National trust building/event, you'l notice just how white the crowds are, you dont see much, if any "enrichment", just white British people, people who have gone out of their way to be inolved with and linked to their culture, their buildings, their history.


I'm bringing this thread back on topic.


Who founded the national trust?


-A woman called Octavia Hill.


Octavia Hill (1838-1912) was a woman ahead of her time. An artist and a radical, she was a pioneer of affordable housing and can be seen as the founder of modern social work. Her formidable achievements as an environmental and open space campaigner led to her co-founding the National Trust, which today protects over 300 historic properties and keeps 250,000 hectares of land open to all.


She'd be turning in her grave at the current state of housing in the UK.


Affordable housing is what this country and global society as a whole needs ;)

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All economic migration into this country is white european. Immigration from outside the EU is banned unless the person is coming as an overseas student. has a lot of money or is a professional such as a doctor, or is claming political asylumn.


The immigration policy of this country is actually racist eastern europeans are purposely being flooded into areas of the country with high asian and black populations to increase the white population. Even though those asians and blacks are British whereas the Polish are not and can't construct a sentence in English properly but still manage to get the jobs very easily.


The Polish are not bringing any new skilss to this country like the Asians did. The Asians brought business's which improved run down areas and created jobs. Without the Asians the NHS wouldn't even exist. Still the Asians are hated after 50 0dd years in the country blamed for the actions of a minority of extremists and looked upon as potential terrorists meaning that male family members from overseas can't even come on holiday to Britain to visit family but the Polish can flood the country at their pleasure getting jobs and respectable treatment.


Britain doesn't need immigration anymore we are i a recession it needed it after WW2 when there was a labour shortage and those people who helped rebuild this country get little thanks for it considering that their kids are treated like third class citizens in their own country.

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All economic migration into this country is white european. Immigration from outside the EU is banned unless the person is coming as an overseas student. has a lot of money or is a professional such as a doctor, or is claming political asylumn.


The immigration policy of this country is actually racist eastern europeans are purposely being flooded into areas of the country with high asian and black populations to increase the white population. Even though those asians and blacks are British whereas the Polish are not and can't construct a sentence in English properly but still manage to get the jobs very easily.


There is massive long term immigration into the country of asylum seekers and refuges (Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, previously Kosovo), abuse of the marriage system (particularly Pakistan) and abuse of the student visas (China, India).


It is somewhat racist, but more class-ist in nature. The rich can come here freely and those with skills (doctors for example - from the 3rd (non EU/USA/USSR world, where they are needed more, but paid less are more than welcome).


And the language point, many A8 (and Russians pretending to hold A8 status) EU nationals have poor English, just like many asylum seekers and refugees. But they learn, and they learn very quick in the workplace and pubs, they are a much more similar culture wrt integration as they live lifestyles near identical to ourselves.

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