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A multicultural future? no, Britons want Britain to remain British.

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There is massive long term immigration into the country of asylum seekers and refuges (Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, previously Kosovo), abuse of the marriage system (particularly Pakistan) and abuse of the student visas (China, India).


It is somewhat racist, but more class-ist in nature. The rich can come here freely and those with skills (doctors for example - from the 3rd (non EU/USA/USSR world, where they are needed more, but paid less are more than welcome).


And the language point, many A8 (and Russians pretending to hold A8 status) EU nationals have poor English, just like many asylum seekers and refugees. But they learn, and they learn very quick in the workplace and pubs, they are a much more similar culture wrt integration as they live lifestyles near identical to ourselves.


Iraq and Afghanistan is justified considering Britain invaded both countries. Britain also lets in Zimbabwians because of political reasons same with Iraqi Kurds You will find the majority of Africans and Iraqis in Britain are ethnic or political opponents of Mughabe and Saddam. It helps the British government line if they come here and say I'm an Iraqi Saddam was bad or I'm a Zimbabwian Mughabe is bad.


Abuse of the marrige system is mainly a Mirpuri Kashmiri act you can't generalise it to all Pakistanis. There are big differences between Pakistanis in general and the Mirpuri community from Kashmir, who have a bradri (clan) system and only like to marry and socialise within it.


Student Visa system is absued but then most of those students are intelligent they do pay a large amount of money to British universities and also pay taxes by working legally. Most of the bogus colleges that useto exist have been shut down.


The Polish do not integrate with the English I live in an area of the country that has seen a large influx of the Polish. They speak hardely any English but are favoured by employers, generally socialise with other Polish and only speak Polish.

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shy talk, noticing a lot of white people at a stately home is not proof that most people don't want immigration.


The UK has one of the highest rates of inter-racial marriage in Europe.


Rather than hating immigrants it seems we make rumpy pumpy and how's your father with them to make lovely mixed-race babies!


And replacing historic buildings with others

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I don't disagree with you. For me, history helps me to understand my roots and gives me a sense of belonging and I have a love of local history which has made me appreciate my surroundings even more than I did before.


Now the local history of Sheffield is the same for everyone, regardless of their country of origin, it is 'Sheffield' history and if people are moving here and putting down roots in Sheffield then hopefully they are becoming 'Sheffielders' rather than, as at the moment, someone living in a foreign country?


Yes history helps you remember your roots and culture - yet you seemto be saying that those coming into this country should forget their history and culture? Surely they should remeber their culture and blend it with their new one to reflect their evolving history?

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You do accept people as equals, and so they are, until they start banging on your door trying to convert you to their laws and their religion, because you have firm views on that and this is where the problem lies.




Yeah, bloody Jehovah's Witnesses.

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You can tell them to go away but there are so many groups not actually banging on my door but they are banging on the door of parliament lobbying for their own particular interest and eventually that has a knock on effect for all of us and not everyone likes it. The views of the majority give way to the minority and we end up with the tail wagging the dog and an even more divided Britain.




Anyone and everyone can lobby parliament. What are you suggesting, that only locals should be able to do so?

How far do you want to go, exclude the Scottish, exclude non Londoners, or maybe it should only be those from Westminster who can lobby?

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Yes history helps you remember your roots and culture - yet you seemto be saying that those coming into this country should forget their history and culture? Surely they should remeber their culture and blend it with their new one to reflect their evolving history?


True, history is important and I am very pleased to have learnt a few things about my ancestors, but the farms and property they once owned now belong to other people and I have to accept the situation as it now is. None of us can live in the past because it isn't there and I think people who settle here need to remember that.


That is not to say we cannot be nostalgic and sadly a lot of our folk songs and traditions have been lost, while a few survive and it is good to keep them alive and the same applies to everyone in all cultures and we would be the poorer without it.


But remembering the so-called "Good Old Days" is one thing while living in the twenty-first century is something altogether different, that is the first thing to remember.


The second thing is that the passage of time alone imposes its own changes.


The third thing to remember is that people choosing to make life changing decisions and move to a new country and culture is going to mean change and people need to be prepared to accept the fact that they are going to have to make changes.


So, one is about our roots which is nostalgia, the other is about making life changing decisions and realising and accepting there will be changes in our NEW life. In order to avoid tensions integration into the commercial and social culture of our new chosen country is so important.


So in summery here is a little catch phrase I have just invented. "Eating with chopsticks is fine but Guanxi (bribery leading to leading to nepotism and patrimonialism) is not."


Some customs are best left in the country of origin.


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There is massive long term immigration into the country of asylum seekers and refuges (Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, previously Kosovo), abuse of the marriage system (particularly Pakistan) and abuse of the student visas (China, India).

Our level of asylum seekers runs in the region of 10k/annum.

In what world is that massive? Most european countries take more asylum seekers than the UK.


It is somewhat racist, but more class-ist in nature. The rich can come here freely and those with skills (doctors for example - from the 3rd (non EU/USA/USSR world, where they are needed more, but paid less are more than welcome).


And the language point, many A8 (and Russians pretending to hold A8 status) EU nationals have poor English, just like many asylum seekers and refugees. But they learn, and they learn very quick in the workplace and pubs, they are a much more similar culture wrt integration as they live lifestyles near identical to ourselves.

Asylum seekers and economic immigrants are very different groups with vastly different numbers.

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Which 'Britons' do you mean ? The ones who lived here before and during the 400 years of Roman occupation and adopted much of Roman culture....and who later integrated with and adopted the customs and culture of the invading Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Danish Vikings.


Let's not forget that many of the properties preserved by the National Trust are monuments to the dominance of the Normans, - Scandinavian Vikings who had adopted the language and questionable morals of the French.


In this multicultural mix which kind of 'Briton' are you ? :)

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Which 'Britons' do you mean ? The ones who lived here before and during the 400 years of Roman occupation and adopted much of Roman culture....and who later integrated with and adopted the customs and culture of the invading Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Danish Vikings.


Let's not forget that many of the properties preserved by the National Trust are monuments to the dominance of the Normans, - Scandinavian Vikings who had adopted the language and questionable morals of the French.


In this multicultural mix which kind of 'Briton' are you ? :)


The Britain we have today is all of those things, so the Britain I was born into is 'my' Britain.


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All economic migration into this country is white european. Immigration from outside the EU is banned unless the person is coming as an overseas student. has a lot of money or is a professional such as a doctor, or is claming political asylumn.


The immigration policy of this country is actually racist eastern europeans are purposely being flooded into areas of the country with high asian and black populations to increase the white population. Even though those asians and blacks are British whereas the Polish are not and can't construct a sentence in English properly but still manage to get the jobs very easily.


The Polish are not bringing any new skilss to this country like the Asians did. The Asians brought business's which improved run down areas and created jobs. Without the Asians the NHS wouldn't even exist. Still the Asians are hated after 50 0dd years in the country blamed for the actions of a minority of extremists and looked upon as potential terrorists meaning that male family members from overseas can't even come on holiday to Britain to visit family but the Polish can flood the country at their pleasure getting jobs and respectable treatment.


Britain doesn't need immigration anymore we are i a recession it needed it after WW2 when there was a labour shortage and those people who helped rebuild this country get little thanks for it considering that their kids are treated like third class citizens in their own country.

My bold


Really?? So who is carrying out this "flooding" and how exactly are they achieving it? Are eastern Europeans being met off planes and coaches and being bused into areas with a high Asian population???

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