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Vaginal thrush, painful

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Omg! How painful.


Come on ladies i need sympathy. Ive just Finished a course of antibiotics, and started with thrush 2 days ago, ive been using canestan cream and its done diddly squat!!

Its not just the soreness and itching its the lower belly ache as well.

I wish i had gone to the doctors today so now (if it doesnt go) i will have to wait until Monday!!

Earlier I sent my hubby to go and get 1 capsule of diflucan to take orally, hope it works!!!!

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Oral Diflucan should do the job but it takes a couple of days for the effects to be visible so keep using the Canesten in the mean time.


Where abouts are you BTW? There may be other solutions (I've had on and off regular treatment for long standing issues with thrush, including in my throat, for years).

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I had thrush something rotten a few years ago and it was really 'orrible so you have my every sympathy.


Mine used to come back all the time and I eventually found out that it was due to the fact that I was on the pill and had some sort of allergic reaction and so I came off it and that eventually worked. The diflucan does work but it might take a couple of days to get rid of it. The yoghurt also does help and cools the 'area' in question! It needs to be that natural plain stuff that you can usually buy from Holland & Barratts or other natural-type shop.

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Using just the cream only treats the symptoms and not the cause. The antibiotics have 'killed off' the natural vaginal flora (lactobacilli) and allowed spores (candida) to take hold. Once these spores start shooting off hyphae you'll get discharge and discomfort.

Using an antifungal such as a pessary restores the normal ph of the vagina. natural yoghurt contains lactobacilli, but sometimes the infection has gone past responding to it.

Cream, on it's own, will only deal with the external discomfort caused by the discharge.

Just something to consider..there is also a similar condition called bacterial vaginosis (BV) that can cause the same symptoms but needs different treatment, so if it doesn't clear up after using the anti-fungal treatment you should see your GP or GU clinic.

Hope this helps xx ( was a G U nurse for 18 years and am a 'slave' to thrush!)

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Have I accidentally strayed into an episode of Casualty or summat? Do we have to have public discussion of people's manky bits?


Pretend you're at the surgery and keep it confidential, please ?:gag:



agreed, all sympathy to the lady but thankyouplease. My lunch yoghurt will never be the same again.

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