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Pomona stabbings 1994

A. Woodward

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Does anyone recall the incident when a local man was accused of stabbing 4 students, was convicted of GBH and was sentenced to 12 years prison.


I remember that being in the paper, but thought it wasone of the pubs across the road from the Pomona? Could be wrong though.

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Having done some research this strikes me as being one of the most blatant cases of unjustice ever! Well done mark barnsley for saying f@ck you I will not be beaten by you.


Is Barnsley claiming he didn't do it?


Edit - just done some research....not as clear cut as it first seems is it?

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Was drinking up pomona when it happened.


The students were winding him up after he had a fight (verbal) with his partner/Girlfriend.


They were being very silly and pushed the man well past anyone's breaking limit. It was first a slanging match and then one of them got hold of the pushchair. I was across the road walking to the nursery.....a couple of the students were waving bottles of wine around. Thats all I saw, I had got to the nursery and heard the shouts over the traffic, looked round to see flashing blade and bottles being used. At this time I was about 200 yards away.


I later spoke to a couple of students, a few years later. They both admitted it got out of hand due to booze and them misundertsanding what was going on. The Women with them, said she tried to hit Mr Barnsley with the bottle first!


:loopy: He how ever got done for being over vealous....

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