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Morrissey making negative race comments

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Some support Wednesday and some support United, but we are all Sheffielders, that kind of argument doesn't work during a derby.


That's a good point, maybe sapiens need a common enemy? We might be well motivated towards each other following an alien invasion ;)

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All of which ignores the fact that we are ALL members of the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens.
So it might but the fact is the different races are good at some stuff and worse at others. An aborigine might regard my being able to use a computer as almost godlike but then again I probably wouldn't last a week on walkabout
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That's a good point, maybe sapiens need a common enemy? We might be well motivated towards each other following an alien invasion ;)
:hihi: Why do you think we have all those telescopes looking for them?


Its a cert we won't be coming in peace if we find any, in fact we would probably end up having a world war to see who can attack them first. :D

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So it might but the fact is the different races are good at some stuff and worse at others. An aborigine might regard my being able to use a computer as almost godlike but then again I probably wouldn't last a week on walkabout
I struggle with a trip to the shop :D


But the point what your making isn't necessarily so, with training and exorcize both you and the Aborigine could do the others task. Even Iron age man could be taught to use a pc they reckon, our brains have not changed that much in thousands of years, so race would be irrelevant when it came to mental capacity.

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I think on the china issue he's having a go at their "animal rights" more than a a racial thing.if he did indeed consider them a "sub-species" he would be campaining for their rights and trying to prevent people eating "chinese".:D


:hihi: Morrisey has done much to promote vegetarianism and is right to highlight some of the horrific abuse of animals in China (and elsewhere) but then goes and makes a stupid comment about them being a 'sub-species' which means that he himself is the one who ends up being castigated and the issue that he is seeking to bring people's attention to is trivialised by his association with it.


I think the bloke is very mixed up about many things and one who's opinions need to be taken with a large pinch of salt.

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I struggle with a trip to the shop :D


But the point what your making isn't necessarily so, with training and exorcize both you and the Aborigine could do the others task. Even Iron age man could be taught to use a pc they reckon, our brains have not changed that much in thousands of years, so race would be irrelevant when it came to mental capacity.

True, but as things stand even though we're all basically the same there are still cavernous differences between us. While I can learn to do something or an aborigine can learn to do something for the whole race to evolve the ability takes a very long time indeed
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Its all about the unevenness of multiculturalism, I have banged my head on about it this forum on the odd occasion. The way your tv is supposed to reflect society, any advertising or govt campaign (or any form of media) will show you its not right, they have to stick an ethnic person or persons up front or in inflated numbers. Its shows the society they want rather than what is.


I have to agree with this.


I wrote on here some years ago about the children's TV programme Ballamory, a little Scottish town situated on the west coast of Scotland. The main characters consisted of Josie Jump - a black girl in a yellow outfit - and an asian family whose mother was wheelchair bound. There was also a policeman who could not help but give the impression he was gay.


At the BBC, this will have ticked a lot of boxes in their must-be PC list. Having visited a town very near to where Ballamory was shot, I cannot recall seeing anyone similar to the characters mentioned above. This, in my view, is brainwashing children into believing that everywhere they go they will encounter ethnic people, even to the outer Hebrides.


I'd much, much prefer the likes of the BBC to have the balls to produce black-only, asian-only etc, TV programmes. That would be fine by me; I'd be inclined to watch no doubt. Would the producers have to go through their lists of must-have characters, in this case, one white person to every five ethnic, a camp character etc? Probably not, and if you ask me, hopefully not. Anyone recall Desmond's on Channel 4? Great programme centred around IIRC, an afro-carribean barber shop.


But life is not like the BBC wishes to portray it. Ooh look, Win A Prize Every Time.


As for the Mozza quote, for some reason I can't open the link. I am a huge fan of Morrissey and he's meddled with the issue of race of numerous occasions in the past: Bengali In Platforms (the title was better than the song), Asian Rut and National Front Disco (the latter being one of the finest songs he's co-written).


He's also written about paedophilia, the Moors Murders and of course, who can forget his love song (not) to Margaret Thatcher, affectionately titled Margaret On The Guillotine?


His job is to sell records; yours is to decide whether you wish to buy them or not.


If we're going to string anyone up for their (perceived) views, let's start with a certain Mr Hawkin.....,

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:hihi: Why do you think we have all those telescopes looking for them?


Its a cert we won't be coming in peace if we find any, in fact we would probably end up having a world war to see who can attack them first. :D


LOL I'd hope that wasnt the case h2m, it would be uplifting to see Jews, Muslims and Christians heaving cauldrons of boiling oil from the same side of the fence!

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