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Advice on breast enlargement please

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I was on holiday when a young lass came the second week, well she had had a it done. once she was in the pool the never moved they just sat like a couple of beach balls on her chest so tell your gf to think long and hard cus they didnt look good.


Made me remember lolo ferrar

I would post a link, but couldn't find anything tasteful lol

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I think breast enlargement is a great option for people with flat chests or who have had cancer. However I think it's rather disturbing like someone else said that young people e.g. 15/16 think breasts should look like augmented breasts. It's like people have forgotten what breasts are supposed to look and feel like. I'd love mine to look like they do in a wonderbra without the wonderbra but they just don't fall like that and that is normal. Now we seem to think it's normal for breasts to be under your chin. I totally understand someone who isn't happy with themselves wanting to change it for themselves though.

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I'm asking because my GF is thinking about having it done but she doesn't have a clue where to start. thanks


Has she asked you what you think? Fake boobs look fake and feel awful. If she is doing it partly for you then you need to have a 'feel' of some fake boobs to see what you think (with her consent of course).


I'm not joking by the way. If she has this expensive surgery done then she finds you 'staying away' from her boobs in bed because they look and feel horrible she will feel really crap. :(

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I was on holiday when a young lass came the second week, well she had had a it done. once she was in the pool the never moved they just sat like a couple of beach balls on her chest so tell your gf to think long and hard cus they didnt look good.


Did it take long to decide or did you decide after a swift glance-were you observing from the pool or from your room?

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I would advise her not to do it. Spend the money on counselling to help improve her self esteem (or perhaps you could help her with that for free), but don't let her mutilate herself. This may or may not bother her at this stage in her life, but if she has children she will be very unlikely to feed her babies naturally as the implant op. involves slicing through milk ducts in the breast tissue.


Beauty does not mean looking like a page 3 girl.

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because very often the person is dissatisfied with some aspect of their life that can't be changed, and they project the problem onto parts of the body.


"Oh, my life would be perfect if I had a nose job!"


they have the nose job, and because the real issue is unresolved, the nose job doesn't cure the problem.


The person then decides it's their love handles/ muffin top that's causing the problems.


So they go on to have lipo.


That doesn't cure the underlying problem, either, so the focus shifts to the bosom, and their perceived inadequacies with their bosom.


and so it goes on.


I'm not saying you, personally are like this, mysecret, but it's a very commonplace thing.


I think the answer is not always the knife, but to understand and love yourself with your imperfections. Love the skin you are in.


IS it actually the end of the world if your bosom isn't mahoosive?


I don't believe it is. There are benefits to having a smaller bosom:- you don't get the painful ruts in your shoulder where your bra strap has dug in. You don't get the back problems associated with big boobs. You don't get boobs that are as saggy, when you get older.


When my ex used to have a dig at me for not having a pair of watermelons for an embonpoint[/i,I'd point out to him that my bosom was perfectly fine as it is. I'd tell him to jog -on.


I'd tell him that I do not want any more scarring on it than there already is, thank you. I'd only want to increase myself by a maximum of one cup size if I wanted bigger boobs. Therefore, there'd be no way I'd put myself through the surgery and all the risks, pain, and repeat surgeries in years to come, for the sake of a single cup-size.


I'm me, and you take me or leave me, basically. You leave me, then It's your loss, chum. That's my attitude to life! :D

Well, he did leave you!..............maybe not just the small boobs, could that have been an excuse?...........most men I have known love big boobs, but generally have not left there wives because they didn't look like Pamela Anderson.
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Well, he did leave you!..............maybe not just the small boobs, could that have been an excuse?...........most men I have known love big boobs, but generally have not left there wives because they didn't look like Pamela Anderson.


Excuse or not, what message does it send to anybody if you tell them that you'll only love them if they change themselves to be physically the way you want them to be?


It's one thing if you decide that you want to do it for yourself, but entirely another to go through that sort of thing just to please someone else.

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Well, he did leave you!..............maybe not just the small boobs, could that have been an excuse?...........most men I have known love big boobs, but generally have not left there wives because they didn't look like Pamela Anderson.


Actually,FYI, I dumped him, not the other way round.


And no it wasn't an excuse.


And actually, just because I don't have "Double D's " (and the resultant back problem) it should not make a difference. as I said earlier, you love the person for who they are, not for who or what they "could" be.


I'd rather have my real, and genuine average sized bosom, and my health and self esteem, than have a couple of beach balls stuffed into my chest. Not to mention, I'd much prefer not to have to undergo implant replacement surgery every ten years, and the risks of the anaesthetic, or infection and the implants encapsulating.


In my opinion, it's going to be more than enough surgery to go through, to have my pacemaker replaced every 8/12 years, without unnecessary elective surgery.


You say blokes prefer bigger boobs. No, actually; not all men like bigger boobs:- some men prefer smaller.


You know, I'm sure if you polled the men who like bigger boobs, they'd all say they preferred naturally shaped, soft, natural boobs, not over-inflated, unnatural-looking, hard, scarred artificial ones.


If a man of mine demanded I get mine inflated, as I said before, he'd be told to jog on. End of.


I would not want to put up with a man who would say to me "I would love you, if it weren't for that bump on your nose/ small boobs/ too-large boobs/ love handles/ hair colour".

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