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I've decided to become a vegetarian

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If he eats eggs in what fashion is he a vegetarian?

He is eating animal foetuses.

That is worse than eating the dead meat of the grown animal.

Very few of us eat wild animals, I dont think I have ever eaten the meat of one.

The animals we eat are bred for the purpose, slaughtermen and butchers do our dirty work for us.

My meat is given to me, at the butchers counter, as a piece of meat.

Dont think where it came from, get it eaten, and enjoy.




A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with or without the use of dairy products and eggs.

A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products.

Types of Vegetarian

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian diet.

Lacto-vegetarian. Eats dairy products but not eggs.

Vegan. Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product.

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Really? When was the last time you hunted or gathered anything? We may have evolved as hunter gatherers hundreds of thousands of years ago in Africa but as you may have noticed we've things have changed somewhat since then.


Au Contraire,

I am off out this morning to do some wild berry gathering, brambles, or blackberries as they are sometimes called.

Nothing finer than a blackberry and apple pie, with cream, which obviously you vegans cant have.

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A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with or without the use of dairy products and eggs.

A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products.

Types of Vegetarian

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian diet.

Lacto-vegetarian. Eats dairy products but not eggs.

Vegan. Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product.


In other word it is a load of exhibitionist crap.

Grow up the lot of you.

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If he eats eggs in what fashion is he a vegetarian?

He is eating animal foetuses.


Only if chickens routinely experience immaculate conception - its a rare fertilised egg that makes its way into the food chain. You seem to be quite incensed about what other people eat. Are you one of those people who feels that vegetarians are making a judgement on your morals by choosing not to eat something that you eat? I've never understood why a person being vegetarian would bother someone who isn't (perhaps with the exception of those who have a financial interest in the meat industry), but it really does bother a lot of people.

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Au Contraire,

I am off out this morning to do some wild berry gathering, brambles, or blackberries as they are sometimes called.

Nothing finer than a blackberry and apple pie, with cream, which obviously you vegans cant have.

Picking the odd bit of fruit does not make you a hunter gatherer.


We evolved in a food scarce environment where we ate whatever we could. Using the power of our minds to make choices over the millennia we have created a food rich environment. An environment in which we can easily use those same powerful minds to make the ethical choice not to kill other animals for not good reason.


Also good job on ignoring the rest of my post, concerning your blatantly false claims about the diets humans need to survive and your bizarre claims about the affects of people going vege.


In other word it is a load of exhibitionist crap.

Grow up the lot of you.

:huh: How was it any more of less 'exhibitionist' for me to cook and eat a vegetarian pasta sauce last night than it was for any of the meat eaters on my street to cook and eat whatever flesh they chose?


As for who needs to "grow up" here, someone in this thread is acting rather immaturely but it sure isn't one of the vegetarians.

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Hi Caitlin,

I've been vegetarian for years, and as Edna says, it's much easier now to eat well and easily than it used to be.

However, I don't think anyone has mentioned sweets, you need to watch out for these as a lot contain gelatine, even the ones you would never imagine, so as someone else said, you need to keep checking labels.

It depends how far you want to take it, personally I don't have any products with gelatine.

A lot of wines are made using fish gut to refine and clarify them, but some people think this is being too picky to resist those.


On the positive side, a lot of things that you think would be out of bounds, aren't.For instance ..Bisto gravy granules ARE vegetarian.

Good luck with your positive choice, it will all become second nature to you very quickly.

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Hi Caitlin,

I've been vegetarian for years, and as Edna says, it's much easier now to eat well and easily than it used to be.

However, I don't think anyone has mentioned sweets, you need to watch out for these as a lot contain gelatine, even the ones you would never imagine, so as someone else said, you need to keep checking labels.

It depends how far you want to take it, personally I don't have any products with gelatine.

A lot of wines are made using fish gut to refine and clarify them, but some people think this is being too picky to resist those.


On the positive side, a lot of things that you think would be out of bounds, aren't.For instance ..Bisto gravy granules ARE vegetarian.

Good luck with your positive choice, it will all become second nature to you very quickly.


it is true that some of the things containing animal byproducts can be surprising. You may notice that some places eg co-op will label only some of their fruit juices as suitable for vegetarians and vegans - this is because the ones that are not labelled use fruits that have been coated with shellac for instance, or beeswax.

Also colourants can come rom non vegan sources eg cochineal comes from crushed beatles. It really depends how far you wish to take it.

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Not wishing to take the thread off course or cause offence, but I've never seen the point in becoming a vegetarian, or the reasons for it.


Killing animals has been a way of life ever since there was life on the planet. If it is the animals welfare that is the reason for going veggie this is also a little puzzling. Most (not all, I agree) animals that are killed for human consumption are done in a humane way, such as a stun gun to the head which kills the animal instantly with no pain or suffering.


If humans didn't eat meat, that animal would be out in the wild where it would likely be torn to shreds by a natural predator and left sometimes for days in excruciating agony.


I know a couple of veggies, and they become angry when anything on TV shows how animals are slaughtered by humans yet find nature programs that depict how lions will chase and rip the head off their prey to be fascinating and perfectly OK. Just seems odd to me...

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