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I've decided to become a vegetarian

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how can you get a animal that did not exist then suddeny bernard matthews etc comes along and invents a new animal lol. now i have heard everything

What an absurd strawman, to claim that the animals suffering in factory farms only exist because they are bred to be killed for their flesh is in no way to claim that domesticated species were genetically engineered from scratch.

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This makes no sense. Nature is unthinking, utterly amoral and as such pitiless. We however are thinking moral beings with a responsibility for the choices we make as we try to live our lives. The indifference of the former doesn't justify needless cruelty in the latter.


yup choices, and i choose to eat meat at least once a day (and it for breakfast, gonna have it now for dinner, then again later!)

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What an absurd strawman, to claim that the animals suffering in factory farms only exist because they are bred to be killed for their flesh is in no way to claim that domesticated species were genetically engineered from scratch.

give it a rest, romans and much other people took animals and changed them a bit, to get better meat, better leather, make them more hardy etc.


I love nothing more than a duck (my fave bird meat) or lamb (i dont like mutton)


i have no problem with a pack of lions ripping to pieces a antelope etc, but i dont agree with animal cruelty with pets etc.

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so-who cares? and why are you telling us this?


would it be because you are a millitant meat eater?


i dont care if anyone is a veggie but when people come out with statements like a animal was invented just to eat etc or put down meat eaters then i have a right to comment.

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If you accidentally eat 0.0003kg of rennet in a restaurant meal and only realise later, there's no point beating yourself up about it.


or causing a huge scene in the restaurant and constantly going on about to anyone who will listen

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i dont care if anyone is a veggie but when people come out with statements like a animal was invented just to eat etc or put down meat eaters then i have a right to comment.


its funny, you seem to have come onto a thread titled clearly to be about becoming vegetarian in order to bang on about how much you love eating and killing animals!

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give it a rest,

Give what a rest? Rationally responding to what people have actually posted?


romans and much other people took animals and changed them a bit, to get better meat, better leather, make them more hardy etc.

Yes and? How is this supposed to be a rebuttal to anything I or anyone else have posted? Has anyone in anyway denied that farmed animals have been altered over the millenia by many generations of artificial selection?


I love nothing more than a duck (my fave bird meat) or lamb (i dont like mutton)


i have no problem with a pack of lions ripping to pieces a antelope etc, but i dont agree with animal cruelty with pets etc.

Yes and? How is this supposed to be a response to anything I or anyone else have posted?

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