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British women are branded the 'ugliest in the world'

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Have you been following me about? :hihi:


Arty, Arty - you hunk of a man. Spitting has to be one of the vilest habits ever, it makes me retch whenever I see it. I have yet to see a woman hawk and spit but witness loads of men doing it.:gag: They obviously think that it looks cool and macho.

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I never doubted you are well traveled for a second old fella, and im sure you have indeed known more women than most men - hot dinners and all that...


Now given the latter, if you were a woman.. there is a word used to describe such 'well traveled experience'... but i shall refrain from implying anything further. :D


What i will imply however, is that as you obviously failed to see my incredibly witty and amusing joke, your 'success' with ladies throughout the world was not as a result of your outstanding sharp wit or smooth charm. :D


Cheer up ya miserable old git. :thumbsup:


Mr Squirrell, as I have said many a time over the years, never take all I say seriously.

I was a total innocent until my wedding day.

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Arty, Arty - you hunk of a man. Spitting has to be one of the vilest habits ever, it makes me retch whenever I see it. I have yet to see a woman hawk and spit but witness loads of men doing it.:gag: They obviously think that it looks cool and macho.


I work in a hospital, people are not allowed to smoke or do anything untowards inside.

Instead they go just outside to do these things.

The fat tatooed smoking women are the worst.

Foul language, spitting and glaring, even at us engineers, because we we have a basic uniform with ID, is sickening.

Their boyfriends are in A&E from their previous nights escapades.

We are trying to get them back on the road again, and still they despise us.

These kind of people make me sick.

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I think that you missed out delusional.:D


Me?.... delusional?...


Dunno where you get that one from. :D


Mr Squirrell, as I have said many a time over the years, never take all I say seriously.


TBH mate, I never take anything you say seriously. :D


The fat tatooed smoking women are the worst.

Foul language, spitting and glaring, even at us engineers, because we we have a basic uniform with ID, is sickening.


Would these be these kind of women?....


And the only women to match English women, are aussie women.

I would never look elsewhere.

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I was there before you were born lad, dont try to tell me.

I always have reservations as to why englishmen go to live in that area.

And usually I am right.


Many dimwits don't know about the diversity of culture around south east Asia.

Some assume that because some western men go to the dirty bits of Thailand to have sex with female, male and questionable gender prostitutes, that all of the region is the same.

People with brains that work, know otherwise.


Stereotypes are easy. I assume you went to Thailand for the cheap, AIDS infested bonking or maybe a Gary Glitter job.


Making up insulting rubbish is so easy. Try thinking before you do it and you may actually get somewhere near reality.

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As a married man, you shouldn't even be looking let alone having these lewd thoughts and posting them on a public forum.


I was just being factual.

I went shopping today and was totally unable to avoid looking at the hoards of cute arses. I was trying to be a good boy by keeping my head down to avoid staring at their tits.

I just can't win.


You perve!


Me? ner.












(unless you count that thing with the sheep)

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The article refers to an internet poll on a website.


The choices for the 'which country has the ugliest women in the world poll' are:



Eastern Europe

The UK




And if you go and look at that poll there is currently 2656 votes.




And we come 3rd, Turkey and the USA have both got more votes. And twice as many people think UK women are the ugliest than they do German.


Very sloppy journalism, the poll is still live.


And Eastern Europe isn't even a country.


95%+ of countries aren't even listed in the poll.

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How sexist. British men share both our culture and genetic material, so they must be ugly too. Or is it ok for men?


All my non-Brit friends think we are (male and female) generally unattractive compared to other nationalities. I tend to agree - but I actually like being part of a wonky-toothed boozy nation of fun-seeking mingers. That's my kind of people!

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