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The Labour party and the Fabian society("wolf in sheeps clothing")

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Saying that New Labour has nothing to do with socialism isn't true.


The fabian society (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Society) is a British intellectual socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary, means. It has always been affiliated with the Labour movement, and today, the society is a vanguard think tank of the New Labour movement.


The "wolf in sheeps clothing" logo http://www.freedomsite.us/images/fabian_society.jpg


Beware the Marxist Labour and fabian society http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread532846/pg1


I don't want to worry you but I think someones been messing with your anti-paranoia shot...

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The LibLabCon party is a Globalist Capitalist Neoliberal fusion of proxies designed to fool the gullible.


Someone once said that democracy was 2 foxes and a chicken voting on who was to be for dinner in reality the situation is a comic tragedy whereby 60 million foxes vote a couple of times a decade to be the dinner of 10 thousand vultures.


The gullible idiocy of the masses makes democracy the greatest political system in the world for those holding the reins of power.


The Bankster funded governments of the West may well be on a crusade for democracy to be extended globally however it is the idiot and the fool that believes this to be a philanthropic enterprise.


Has anybody claimed that western democracy is philanthrophic?


So what is your alternative? What do the masses really want?

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The LibLabCon party is a Globalist Capitalist Neoliberal fusion of proxies designed to fool the gullible.


Someone once said that democracy was 2 foxes and a chicken voting on who was to be for dinner in reality the situation is a comic tragedy whereby 60 million foxes vote a couple of times a decade to be the dinner of 10 thousand vultures.


The gullible idiocy of the masses makes democracy the greatest political system in the world for those holding the reins of power.


The Bankster funded governments of the West may well be on a crusade for democracy to be extended globally however it is the idiot and the fool that believes this to be a philanthropic enterprise.


At least in a democracy people can educate themselves and do something about it, without having to take on the army.

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