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The Tax Debacle

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I can't for the life of me understand what the problem is. HMRC send everyone a notification of coding that they can question if they think that it's incorrect. When this is agreed or not questioned they send a copy of your coding to your employer who then uses it to deduct the correct amount of tax from your salary, it's not rocket science.


Have I missed something, how have 6 million people managed to pay the wrong amount of tax? :huh

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It's a fair comment but I don't think everyone's tax affairs are that straightforward....more than one job/company car/private fuel/claims for clothes/tools etc....there's lots of stuff involved .. it was all made very complicated by G. Brown and this was a disaster waiting to happen...

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In many cases, they sent the wrong codes which were either not questioned or corrected.


Yes,I know, but as I said there can be lots of stuff for Joe Public to get their head around....if the experts at HMRC can get it wrong then what hope for everyone else....?

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It's a fair comment but I don't think everyone's tax affairs are that straightforward....more than one job/company car/private fuel/claims for clothes/tools etc....there's lots of stuff involved .. it was all made very complicated by G. Brown and this was a disaster waiting to happen...


I take your point, but 6 million is a fair old percentage of the UK's employed folk. I honestly think that there's far more to this than meets the eye, I can't be one of the only ones to understand a notification of coding.


Cynic that I am about anything Labour, but might greedy Gordon have been up to his tricks? :suspect:

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I take your point, but 6 million is a fair old percentage of the UK's employed folk. I honestly think that there's far more to this than meets the eye, I can't be one of the only ones to understand a notification of coding.


Cynic that I am about anything Labour, but might greedy Gordon have been up to his tricks? :suspect:


I'm sure lots of people understand their coding but understanding it and it being correct are two different things...I think it just smacks of yet another government computer system debacle..

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if the experts at HMRC can get it wrong then what hope for everyone else....?


Exactly. I wouldn't trust HMRC very much, they're always trying to cadge money from me with spurious claims. I just send them to my accountant and surprise, I didn't actually have to pay them.


Remember, HMRC was put in charge of the ongoing tax credits debacle, which clearly illustrated their bungling incompetence.


Tax credit shambles lands 9,000 families in the dock


The number of working parents who have been treated like criminals thanks to the complicated regime has soared by 750 per cent in the last 12 months.


Tax credits have been error prone and unpredictable since they were launched seven years ago.


The scheme forces parents to estimate their income for the coming year families must pay back money if they end up earning more.


When parents fail to pay back overpayments, they are referred to the courts by HM Revenue and Customs.





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I note that the forum's regular looney left brigade haven't been on defending their heroes.


A tax system that's not fit for purpose.


Hospitals where they are as likely to kill you as cure you.


Kids walking the streets armed to the teeth.


A police service that is nothing more than uniformed social services.


Circa 500,000 'visitors' to the UK that are lost in the system.


MP's of all parties with their snouts in the trough, however Labour were in power whilst the troughing was in progress.


But they did manage to ban hunting with dogs, they certainly knew their priorities.

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I note that the forum's regular looney left brigade haven't been on defending their heroes.


A tax system that's not fit for purpose.


Hospitals where they are as likely to kill you as cure you.


Kids walking the streets armed to the teeth.


A police service that is nothing more than uniformed social services.


Circa 500,000 'visitors' to the UK that are lost in the system.


MP's of all parties with their snouts in the trough, however Labour were in power whilst the troughing was in progress.


But they did manage to ban hunting with dogs, they certainly knew their priorities.


I'm not one of "the forum's regular looney left brigade" on the basis that I'm not regular and I'm not part of a brigade, but it's tempting to become one when you read moronic posts like this one.


Anyone who thinks Gordon Brown is directly involved in this debacle really does not understand how Government and the Civil Service operate. Leaving aside the unnecessarily complicated tax system (yes I agree that is largely, but not exclusively down to the last Labour Governments), HMRC operates largely independently of Government.


The Government sets the rules and HMRC implement them. If they are implemented incorrectly it is down to HMRC, not the Government.


And not wanting to go off topic too much - the rest of the post would be funny if it wasn't so pathetically ridiculous

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