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Senior Tory councillor defects to Labour in protest at government cuts

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From your style of posting I assume you back the coalition, I also assume you lean more to the Liberals than the Conservatives and as it’s the Liberals that have lost most to form the coalition I made a comment ……… end of story.

You will forgive me a little ego here since it's an old chestnut that does come up too often from those who do have affiliations and assume that anyone who isn't with 'em must be against 'em.

I'm totally agnostic when it comes to political parties. I'm only interested in talent, prospect and deeds.

So don't worry, I'll be on the Coalition's back if I think it's appropriate.

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Yes, but I suspect this will be the first of many across the country. I wonder if any of the Lib Dems councillors will defect in Sheffield.


Anyway I'm sure you once claimed that you nearly voted Lib Dem yourself after the election.


Someone jumping from Lib Dem to labour is more likely, but from Tory to Labour is a leap that signals something more behind the scenes. Councillors are more likely to do this as they are there solely for local issues, while MP's are there for both local and national.


Yes, you're right, up until election day I was still torn between the two parties. I still am. I like some many of the Lib Dem policies and ideas while I also like many conservative, especially those that shrink the state and bring back our freedoms and liberties.


This is why I like the idea of a coalition and the direction Cameron is taking the modern day conservative party. I see him reshaping it into something more akin to the pre WWII conservatives (that saw Churchill move from the liberal party to the conservatives) in the political spectrum.


I hate the Labour party for one reason, they sold out their core supporters. I would have great respect for the party if it had not left so many people behind and given rise to parties such as the BNP.

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I hate the Labour party for one reason, they sold out their core supporters. I would have great respect for the party if it had not left so many people behind and given rise to parties such as the BNP.



Of course you do:hihi: For once I will not rise to the bait.:D

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Of course you do:hihi: For once I will not rise to the bait.:D


Considering my support for the current government and support for them prior to the election. Couple this with the fact that areas of the country where BNP support was on the rise directly correlates with the decline of Labour support in the same areas. Your attempts to try and label me a racist (on numerous occasions) are illogical at best and purely groundless to boot.


I'm a "culturalist" if there was such a word, but not a racist. Your one size fits all retort is somewhat lacking in substance these days.

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Considering my support for the current government and support for them prior to the election. Couple this with the fact that areas of the country where BNP support was on the rise directly correlates with the decline of Labour support in the same areas. Your attempts to try and label me a racist (on numerous occasions) are illogical at best and purely groundless to boot.


I'm a "culturalist" if there was such a word, but not a racist. Your one size fits all retort is somewhat lacking in substance these days.



Yeah. Whatever.

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It didn't get much publicity from the right wing press did it? Had a Labour person defected to the Tories it would have been headline news for a week a least.


It probably didn't get too much publicity because there are around 100,000 councillors of one sort or another in England and Wales alone, So losing one in 4 months isn't going to have folk in a panic for the next 2 or 3 thousand years.


I think what is perhaps more significant is that at least 3 of Labour's major finacial backers have ditched Labour and put their support and cash behind Cameron. Richard Caring, Andrew Rosenfeld and Nancy Dell'Olio are estimated to have a total worth of at least £200 million, and the Labour Party reported by Prescott to be in the finacial doo-doos.


I'm sure those 3 backers are more welcome to the Tories than Rupert Murdoch and their loss to Labour a very serious one indeed.

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Someone jumping from Lib Dem to labour is more likely, but from Tory to Labour is a leap that signals something more behind the scenes. Councillors are more likely to do this as they are there solely for local issues, while MP's are there for both local and national.


Yes, you're right, up until election day I was still torn between the two parties. I still am. I like some many of the Lib Dem policies and ideas while I also like many conservative, especially those that shrink the state and bring back our freedoms and liberties.


This is why I like the idea of a coalition and the direction Cameron is taking the modern day conservative party. I see him reshaping it into something more akin to the pre WWII conservatives (that saw Churchill move from the liberal party to the conservatives) in the political spectrum.


I hate the Labour party for one reason, they sold out their core supporters. I would have great respect for the party if it had not left so many people behind and given rise to parties such as the BNP.


Yep pretty much my line too. I'm a working class trade unionist but won't vote Labour. I'm a Clement Atllee fan but pretty much after that it's been a combination of inept, closet Tory or Marxists......on the whole garbage.John Smith was the last beacon of hope..... The scare factor of Thatcher just doesn't do it for me.....the biggest debt this country has ever had does! If they went back to what they stood for and tried to create jobs for people in this country instead of racking up debts to pay for layabouts & people who cannot speak our language but turn up & tell us that they won't be a drain on our system....well.


Anyway back on topic I can see how someone can switch to political polar opposites.....but to one that is verging on bankruptcy & seems to have lost touch with it's core voters......HUM?:huh: (There's probably a reason for the impending bankruptcy in that they don't appeal to anyone anymore with money.......they've marginalised themselves with the benefit classes!)

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Have you seen - less than 4 months in office and the Government are already selling off Royal Mail!


I holding on to my knickers really tightly in case they want to sell off something else they have no sodding right to!


(Obviously we voted them out last time just before they got round it selling it off, God I hope this Government goes tits up fast, or I can win the lottery, leave the country and get the hell away from them)

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