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Could you manage without a car?


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Interesting thread. I've been tempted to give up my car for a few years now but never actually got round to doing it.


Problem is that I really, really need it for work, as I need to drive for my job. Work aside though I usually get the bus or train to wherever i'm going. If I got rid of my car i'd have to join some sort of car share scheme so i'd have to look into it to see if it is worth doing. I've got a feeling it might be.

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You could move. Before the car became commonplace, most people lived very close to where they worked.


It's not a popular answer, by any means, but almost nobody cannot manage without a car; they just choose not to. Even I, with a wife wife can't walk 100 yards to the nearest bus stop, could live without a car if I had to; her DLA money would cover taxis.



How is that managing without a car? Taxi's are cars aren't they?

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I have lived for almost 40 years without ever owning one, and so I can testify that there is really no need to ever own one, as long as you live in a city! Towns and villages may well be different, but in a city I can only see them being a hinderance... Traffic jams, problems finding a good parking spot, having them vandalised or stolen - none of this worries me on bike or public transport such as trains :)

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Before I had my son I managed without a car.


But now I have some very complicated childcare arrangements that would be impossible without a car, and would mean I wouldn't be able to go to work.


I also have a lover who lives in the middle of nowhere 50 miles from here - there'd much less loving if I didn't have a car!

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No, I couldn't do my job without a car. Otherwise I could probably manage, it'd just take twice as long to do the shopping or for leisure activities.


I work in field sales, and so many might think a car is essential for this, but no - I've done my line of work for coming up to ten years now, and complete more visits a month than my car hampered colleagues... All via train or bike :)

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