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Honour killings - Crimewave

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Do you know for a fact that christian people in the middle east, pakistan etc, have never taken part in honour killings?


After all, good Christians in the middle ages were known to wall fallen women up to die, even nuns sometimes. No religion is blameless in self righteous persecution and murder of people who wouldn't toe their line.


Anyone who follows a religion slavishly rather than their own conscience is barking, quite frankly. No offence to any relgious fanatics reading this, of course ;)


I love you really, Grahame, but you do get ya knickers in a twist sometimes x


As recently as the middle of the last century, 'fallen' women were forcibly incarcerated in mental institutions. :mad: And let us not forget the witchcraft 'trials'.


It really does beggar belief that so many crimes against women are still being committed in the name of patriarchy and women and girls are treated as commodities. Female selective abortion and infanticide in some cultures (of which we do not know the true figures) is prevalent, young girls are sold into prostitution and slavery, sex trafficking is a growing problem in the West and still in this day age, women are being held accountable and responsible for men raping and sexually abusing them and are mutilated and murdered. It is sickening.:rant:

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"Show pictures of Mary Magdalene or the Virgin Mary since they are basically wearing the hijab, and explain that this is a sign of purity as it always has been, so people should not desecrate it."


I've never seen a photo of Mary Magdalene or the Virgin Mary. None exist.


It's interesting the contrast between Jewish hair covering and Muslim hair covering. Jewish women will put on a wig and look good wearing it. There's an attitude of embracing sexuality and the sexual act is encouraged and celebrated in Judaism. Muslim women have to hide away and there's an attitude of denying sexuality, or at least withholding it for their husband, their legal owner.

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Actually, Jesus DID say something about it, didn't he? :huh:



One of the most profound teachings of Jesus as well.

That is ingrained in my head as are a lot of the teaching of Jesus and why I consider myself to be a Christian. Not because I am in church every week but because I live my life by the morals that I was brought up with and being a once Christan country it is those morals that make us what we are.


I don't feel the need to drive it home everyday though like Graham who obviously feels threatened by Muslims here practicing their own faith, What makes me what I am would not change if I had to live in Iran.


Graham I fear thinks he is his name sake 'Billy Graham' the American evangelist.

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Actually, Jesus DID say something about it, didn't he? :huh:




Thanks for highlighting that which shows the difference between Judaism/Islam and Christianity.


The Jews were about to stone the woman taken in adultery and Jesus stopped them. More than that Jesus said that as there is not a single person who is without sin, then no-one should even cast the first stone. That is why honour killing, or any sort of killing, has no place in Christianity.


God bless. (As I typed that I realised that if everyone followed the teaching of Jesus there would be a world-wide blessing which is badly needed.)



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whats your veiw on muslims burning u.s.and u.k flags


They've got the same mentality as people who want to burn the Koran, only they happen to come from a different culture. Those people who think Korans should be burned would be the very same ones who were burning flags if they had happened to be born in a Muslim country instead of the west. The problem isn't nationality or religion, it's the fact that some people are born with crap for brains.

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Until recent times, women always wore head scarves, but it not mean they were down trodden slaves.
Until recent times women did not always wear head scarves, that is an utterly ridiculous thing to say.

Women wore head scarves in factories for safety reasons and also to protect their hair whilst doing house work and other jobs.

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I don't feel the need to drive it home everyday though like Graham who obviously feels threatened by Muslims here practicing their own faith.

Like demanding the death of every Tom, Dick or Harry who says or does something that they don't like, burning effigys etc


, What makes me what I am would not change if I had to live in Iran.

Not until they were going to stone or flog you wife for going out without her head covered

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