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Honour killings - Crimewave

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In my eyes, murder is murder. Apparently, to you, some types of murder are better than others.


Obviously all murder is wrong but what you are forgetting is that very few English people are Christians while under Islam everyone is a Muslim.


So all murders that are committed by those who follow the Koran are committed by Muslims, while murders in England are committed by atheists, agnostics, satanists, humanists, and people of no religion.


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Well firstly "A 10-month investigation by The Independent in Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank" is obviously only going to find muslim honour killings, because the investigation was in muslim countries.


And secondly it says in that very article that Christians and Hindus also do it. Thanks for drawing attention to the fact that Christians do it too, I didn't know that.


i think the UN report is a bit more expansive, tbh. The report is E/CN.4/2002/83


Of course, criminals have often killed for "honour", or "respect" as it has become.

I never said that Christians didn't do it the difference is the scale that muslims do it in comparrison to Christains, although I suppose you would expect Christians to behave better.
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Yes but it mustn't have any connection with Islam ot you'll be for it.


islam........:roll: i saw old people being burned alive today, burned alive. slowly. and as they tried to crawl away they were beaten then set alight again. that was done by so called christians. where i pause for thought is powerful christian leaders would be as appauled as me seeing such evil.

but i see powerful muslims demanding such action to be taken, why is that?

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Obviously all murder is wrong but what you are forgetting is that very few English people are Christians while under Islam everyone is a Muslim.


So all murders that are committed by those who follow the Koran are committed by Muslims, while murders in England are committed by atheists, agnostics, satanists, humanists, and people of no religion.



Exactly, that is the point that I'm making, muslim clerics even refuse to carry out a funeral ceremony for poor defenceless female muslim victims of Fillicide which means that they agree with the Fillicide that has taken place.

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Well firstly "A 10-month investigation by The Independent in Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank" is obviously only going to find muslim honour killings, because the investigation was in muslim countries.


And secondly it says in that very article that Christians and Hindus also do it. Thanks for drawing attention to the fact that Christians do it too, I didn't know that.


i think the UN report is a bit more expansive, tbh. The report is E/CN.4/2002/83


Of course, criminals have often killed for "honour", or "respect" as it has become.


That has been covered in an earlier reply, but basically anyone who commits murder is not following the teaching of Jesus and it is that which qualifies you to be called a Christian.


Muslims follow the teaching of Mohammed and Christians follow the teaching of Jesus who said NOT to kill. If you don't follow the teaching of Jesus you are not a Christian.

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I suppose you are half right - but it doesn't matter whether you would call them Christians, what matters is if they would call themselves Christian. Your definition means that no Christian has ever murdered anyone, and that is patently false.


It should also be noted that if you don't believe Jesus was a prophet then, by your definition, you cannot be a muslim.


By definition it is impossible for a practising Christian to murder (premeditated killing).


A couple of exceptions would be self defence because it is not pre-meditated i.e. murder, and in war where you would be breaking the law if you refused to sign up. (This is a dificult one for Christians.)


The trouble is Muslims think of all westerners as being Christians, but we know from this forum that the percentage of self acknowledged Christians is very small indeed.

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Yes but it mustn't have any connection with Islam ot you'll be for it.


Perhaps because there is no connection with Islam?


There is a problem with honour killings in the Arab world, a problem not solely Islamic as others have mentioned, Hindus and Christians are involved too.


Similarly there is also a big problem in South America. Which has nothing to do with any of those religions.


The issue is a cultural one and comes from mysogeny.


To try to reduce it down to one religion is to ignore the facts of the matter, and worse still it actually hinders dealing with it because it misplaces responsibility and blames the religion and belief of those muslim women on the ground campaigning for stronger legal protections.

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Perhaps because there is no connection with Islam?


There is a problem with honour killings in the Arab world, a problem not solely Islamic as others have mentioned, Hindus and Christians are involved too.


Similarly there is also a big problem in South America. Which has nothing to do with any of those religions.


The issue is a cultural one and comes from mysogeny.


To try to reduce it down to one religion is to ignore the facts of the matter, and worse still it actually hinders dealing with it because it misplaces responsibility and blames the religion and belief of those muslim women on the ground campaigning for stronger legal protections.


i note you ignore my post 170

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