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Honour killings - Crimewave

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I think you misread what he was after, which seems to me to be trying to interpret what the writer of the piece was saying ... which is that although it's mainly a muslim thing, the local christians, who obviously are brought up in the the prevailing culture, are sometimes guilty of the same crime against humanity, and he (the writer) has included them so as not to look as though he's victimising the muslims. I think?


It's an horrendous crime when committed by people in cold blood and in full possession of their faculties, We're not used to these bizarre notions and therefore tend to think they must be insane, a kind of folie a deux, on a national scale. It's really quite horrifying and you have to force yourself to carry on reading. But a lot of what happened in the past in this country even as recently as 100 years ago, was also quite horrifying and seems insane to our present day minds. They have a lot of catching up to do, but unless they're prepared to change, it might not happen quickly enough for them to be fully accepted as equal players on the world stage. Which is obviously to no-one's advantage.


This is where the comparisons between 'honour' killings and the kind of killings we see as a culmination of domestic violence differ. The former, as you say is cold blooded, calculated, pre-meditated and invariably involves the collusion of other family members. The latter, whilst utterly deplorable, is rarely meticulously planned and more often than not committed by some pathologically jealous and emotionally inept man who had flown into a rage when he feels that he's losing or lost control and power within a relationship when the woman tries to leave or has already left.

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This is where the comparisons between 'honour' killings and the kind of killings we see as a culmination of domestic violence differ. The former, as you say is cold blooded, calculated, pre-meditated and invariably involves the collusion of other family members. The latter, whilst utterly deplorable, is rarely meticulously planned and more often than not committed by some pathologically jealous and emotionally inept man who had flown into a rage when he feels that he's losing or lost control and power within a relationship when the woman tries to leave or has already left.
I agree totally with your summation. The lack of remorse and self righteous justification for their acts is, to me, the worse aspect of it all. The vast majority of people who commit murders in a jealous rage usually have the common decency to top themselves afterwards.


All you can say is that at least the girls and women are out of it and don't any longer have to suffer the abuse of living with their so called families. It's like all child abuse and cruelty, one can't understand parents being able to be so callous and uncaring about their own flesh and blood,can one? :(

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