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Racist rap or hiphop

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its all one big pedantic arguement that serepis is currently waging. he cant just admit yes they exist / existed and move on


I'm sorry if I need evidence before accusing someone of being racist. You obviously do not and others I suspect have just jumped on the band wagon.

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I'm not disputing this, all I am asking for is what are the racist lyrics. If you know them, quote them, if you have a website with them on, link it, but to accuse anyone of being racist without first thoroughly researching and documenting the deviance is wrong.


why should WE link to them, theres plenty of information about such bands online, try googling, why should we be YOUR lapdogs?

dont you have any arms? cant you work google out?


as about you last part, that could mean this whole thread as theres also not been one shred of real evidence about racist rap...........just guesswork

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why should WE link to them, theres plenty of information about such bands online, try googling, why should we be YOUR lapdogs?

dont you have any arms? cant you work google out?


as about you last part, that could mean this whole thread as theres also not been one shred of real evidence about racist rap...........just guesswork


Because YOU made the accusation :roll: It is up to YOU to prove it.

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Because YOU made the accusation :roll: It is up to YOU to prove it.


It has been proved umpteen times. I don't think this is even every post that has provided an answer.


theres a type of black metal derived from norway that is based on white power



it has ties with the old UK white power stuff like skrewdriver and blood and honour

1 quick google brought up




Gontyna Kry




I Shalt Become


Legion of Doom

Lord Wind


Thor's Hammer



Winter Funeral


its quite easy to do you know

all those were listed on a site called nationalist socialist black metal


1...........no black metal is not dead..........its actually quite big and carries on getting bigger and sadly NSBM has also got bigger.

2: SKREWDRIVER arent the only neo nazi band, theres hundreds, plenty are still going

3: i never said they were mass market, i was purely showing examples that they exist.........as people seemed to poopoo the idea that they did

4: both forms of music are current because they exist...........currently


http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=317737896&blogId=467080816 a list of white power bands, yes its out of date and yes its far from exhaustive but theres a hell of a lot on it, id prolly say theres more on it than known "racist hip hop bands"

I still think you'd do well to read post #34, particularly the last sentence.



...and your claim: "This discussion is about mainstream racist music." ..


err .. No! It's not!


It appears to be about music allegedly overheard coming from cars, which has not been identified and the lyrics of which remain unknown to the forum users. :suspect:


Re 2. (above): "Whitelaw". There you go, there's an example for you. :)

There is plenty of current Nazi racist bands.... In fact there is a bit of a revival at the moment particularly in eastern europe.


A couple of BNP Officers were at one of the festivals last year:




Of course these groups are marginal and not mainstream. I don't think Skrewdriver were ever anything more than the first, they are far from the biggest group. And unfortunately it is not all unlistenable shouty rock music either. Saga, Prussian Blue and various folk\country artists provide music that is not immediately offensive through style.


I don't think your argument valid that melthebell is denouncing a genre of music at all (I assume you like death metal from your posts?). He is simply pointing out that Nazi music often tends to be of that type.


You might find this about the rise of racist music interesting.



Absolute nonsense, there are still many many neo-nazi metal groups, and I say that as someone with a decent knowledge of metal. There is even a loosely connected group that calls themselves The Pagan Front, which is an entire collection of NS metal bands.


Of course it was considered underground, and isn't particularly popular, but that has to do with the popularity of their particular ethos.


Sorry, but if you believe skrewdriver were pretty much the only neo-nazi band, then you are sadly naive - I suggest (well ok i don't actually suggest it) you go hjave a look on stormfront. The reason you may not know about them is because they are underground, and because they are mainly nowadays eastern european and scandanavian.

In fact guns and roses were famously involved with a racism scandal on the lies album (was the song called "millions", or something like that?)


And IIRC Burzum are a racial purity metal band.


actually just out of curiosity ive just found a band mentioned on the nationalist socialist black metal site



and searched for em on amazon and found their album "To the Depths... In Degradation" which is also mentioned on said NSBM site


and i got a hit

its available 2nd hand for £45 or as mp3s


so they DO creep out into the big wide world occasionly

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What more do you want? Torrent links and dates when you can go and watch them?


Some more from the latest B&H review section (are releases in the last few months current enough?):


Arrow Cross

Blue Max


Brutal Attack

Die Aristokraken

The Garrison Two

Gigi und die Braunen Stadt Musikanten



Kommando Skin

Michael Muller

Nole Wert

Short Cropped


Ultima Frontiera


And they have an interview with Jonnhy Rebel a KKK loving Neo Nazi quite big in the US's Country scene

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What more do you want? Torrent links and dates when you can go and watch them?


I think most people want you to drop the massive smokescreen.


Racist white bands exist at the fringes of nordic and germanic societys. We know that.


It's relevance to the multi billion pound rap industry is like comparing a lion to a gnat.

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I think most people want you to drop the massive smokescreen.


Racist white bands exist at the fringes of nordic and germanic societys. We know that.


It's relevance to the multi billion pound rap industry is like comparing a lion to a gnat.


Do we know that? Serapis has spent 9/10ths of this thread denying there are any white racist bands.


Perhaps rather than jump in you should check out the context before inventing one?


As for comparisons with the multi billion pound rap scene.... the obvious comparison is the Nazi white power bands are racist. Rap as a genre is not, and so far we haven't even had one example of a racist rap group. Offensive yes, using racist language (like John Lennon does on Mother) but no actually racist groups.

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No I do not, I have not changed any subject matter what so ever.

No, you haven't. But you tried to. You tried to turn the thread off-topic to discuss sexism because you have nothing new to offer in the way of fact, insight or information.


This is a purely false accusation.

"Ooh, how awful, I've been wronged on the internet!" :loopy:


.. 'cept you haven't - you did try unsuccessfully to change the subject matter to sexism earlier.


Get a life, if you can give a concise argument and evidence to back up your claims, don't start to cry when people pick apart your argument.

My bold. If you ignore what is there, it doesn't mean it isn't there. It would be more than a little delusional to believe you've managed to pick apart any argument. All you've done is ignore anything that you didn't want to acknowledge (the factual stuff), make false claims (that all the bands referenced are no longer in existence) and totally fail to bring anything fresh to the thread, merely regurgitating what you saw on page one. Now you want to pretend that Nazis aren't racists and challenge people to provide information that's already on the thread if you would only read it!!


I'm not disputing this, all I am asking for is what are the racist lyrics. If you know them, quote them, if you have a website with them on, link it, but to accuse anyone of being racist without first thoroughly researching and documenting the deviance is wrong.

What part of NATIONAL SOCIALIST Black Metal do you fail to understand. Adolf Hitler Was a NATIONAL SOCIALIST, if you are unaware. You are a strange sort if you think self-professed NAZIs are not racists. What part of LYRICS ARE IN OTHER LANGUAGES SUCH AS UKRAINIAN did you fail to grasp?


I'm sorry if I need evidence before accusing someone of being racist. You obviously do not and others I suspect have just jumped on the band wagon.
WE ALL NEED EVIDENCE. THE EVIDENCE IS THAT THEY ARE SELF-PROFESSED NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How simple do you need this to be written out for you.


Because YOU made the accusation :roll: It is up to YOU to prove it.

Nope MeltheBell did not accuse them of being Nazis - THEY, THEMSELVES ARE IDENTIFIED AS PART OF A NAZI MUSIC MOVEMENT.

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I think most people want you to drop the massive smokescreen.

There is no smokescreen, just a couple of people who are more keen to connect hiphop with racism than rock music. I don't know who these "most people" that you claim to speak for may be. There's precious little evidence of them on the thread.

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Do we know that? Serapis has spent 9/10ths of this thread denying there are any white racist bands.


Perhaps rather than jump in you should check out the context before inventing one?


As for comparisons with the multi billion pound rap scene.... the obvious comparison is the Nazi white power bands are racist. Rap as a genre is not, and so far we haven't even had one example of a racist rap group. Offensive yes, using racist language (like John Lennon does on Mother) but no actually racist groups.


Sorry, given the thread is about potentially racist content how can we excuse those who use racist languiage just because they are rappers rather than people who like Rita sue and Bob too?

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