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Racist rap or hiphop

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Sorry, given the thread is about potentially racist content how can we excuse those who use racist languiage just because they are rappers rather than people who like Rita sue and Bob too?




People who like Rita, Sue and Bob probably think, like most people having a ringtone from the scene where Sue's alcoholic father goes on a rant about bashing black peoples heads in a tad inappropriate and likely to be taken out of context. A bit like someone sampling the word ****** from John Lennon's Mother and repeating it 10 times, would seem a bit inappropriate.


Context is everything.

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actually just out of curiosity ive just found a band mentioned on the nationalist socialist black metal site



and searched for em on amazon and found their album "To the Depths... In Degradation" which is also mentioned on said NSBM site


and i got a hit

its available 2nd hand for £45 or as mp3s


so they DO creep out into the big wide world occasionly


You'd probs get the same on Ebay as you would anywhere else open to everyone who uses it.

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What do you mean "you find me the links"? :mad: Find your own information if you are genuinely interested. They're both huge-selling artists and one has already been discussed on the thread.


You brought your arguement to the table, now show us the proof.

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Do we know that? Serapis has spent 9/10ths of this thread denying there are any white racist bands.


Perhaps rather than jump in you should check out the context before inventing one?


As for comparisons with the multi billion pound rap scene.... the obvious comparison is the Nazi white power bands are racist. Rap as a genre is not, and so far we haven't even had one example of a racist rap group. Offensive yes, using racist language (like John Lennon does on Mother) but no actually racist groups.


He admitted he knew there were underground bands like this. You cannot compare snoop dog to an unknown band in russia though.

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He admitted he knew there were underground bands like this. You cannot compare snoop dog to an unknown band in russia though.


No he hasn't, he has repeatedly denied there are any current bands. And asked for lyrics as proof because the fact they self identify with Nazis is apparently not proof enough for him.


No you can't compare Snoop Dog to any of those listed. The difference being Snoop Dog so far as I am aware is not racist. Offensive, stupid and mysogenist yes.... but the same can be said of umpteen mainstream groups (esp in heavy rock\metal).

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What more do you want? Torrent links and dates when you can go and watch them?


These are just lists of bands, with no further information and due to their obscurity, difficult to find valid information, such as lyric sheets etc.


I have not denied anything, you and others have come to that mouth foaming conclusion all by yourselves. I have only asked for proof as I am not so accustom to declamatory accusations without grounds or evidence.

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No he hasn't, he has repeatedly denied there are any current bands. And asked for lyrics as proof because the fact they self identify with Nazis is apparently not proof enough for him.


No you can't compare Snoop Dog to any of those listed. The difference being Snoop Dog so far as I am aware is not racist. Offensive, stupid and mysogenist yes.... but the same can be said of umpteen mainstream groups (esp in heavy rock\metal).


No I have not :roll: I have asked for proof. Something that has not been provided as yet.


Provide me with a name of a current recording artist/black metal band that is racist along with a quote of their racist lyrics and or comments and I'm happy to accept they are racist. What I am not happy to accept is your asserting without any form of evidence.

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These are just lists of bands. No further information and due to their obscurity difficult to find valid information on such as lyric sheets etc.


I have not denied anything, you and other have come to that mouth foaming conclusion all by yourselves. I have only asked for proof as I am not so accustom to declamatory accusations without grounds or evidence.


The proof you can find yourself. You have the names, oblique references to sites where you can find more information and links to anti-racist discussions of them.


We are limited by forum rules in that we can't and indeed won't directly link to racist websites.


Your standard of proof is ridiculous and impossible.

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No I have not :roll: I have asked for proof. Something that has not been provided as yet.


Provide me with a name of a current recording artist/black metal band that is racist along with a quote of their racist lyrics and or comments and I'm happy to accept they are racist. What I am not happy to accept is your asserting without any form of evidence.


Yes you have. The most recent example.


Those used to compare are now defunct. If there are others, please link the band and the lyrics that are racist.


If you look up the first name on MeltheBels list provided on I think page 2 you will see they are still around. The second is now defunct but the band leader has a new band.


The references are easy to find, you have been obstructive and stupid in your denials.

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The proof you can find yourself. You have the names, oblique references to sites where you can find more information and links to anti-racist discussions of them.


We are limited by forum rules in that we can't and indeed won't directly link to racist websites.


Your standard of proof is ridiculous and impossible.


YOU are making the claim. It is not for me to try to ascertain its grounds. That is YOUR responsibility, not mine or anyone else's.


To put it this way. If I was to claim that for example:


Wildcat kills kittens as a hobby. But I refuse to give any proof and tell anyone questioning my claim "its common knowledge, go google it". That would not be an acceptable would it?. In essence you would have the job of proving a negative as the accused. How hard is it to prove a negative Wildcat, care to give it a go? For someone so quick to post endless links to proof and data on other threads, why are you so inclined not to provide any evidence here?


Or lets put it this way. To make such an accusation in a UK court, YOU would have the burden of proof not the accused. With your and others current attitude towards backing up your claims, your accusations would not even make it to court.


So I will ask you again, either prove your accusations, which I am more then happy for you to do, or stop making them.

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