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News: Merkel to award prophet cartoonist

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How do you know it isn't?


I don't but in the absence of any evidence whatsoever that it is then we can say it isn't.


If you want to say that it is their motivation then you'd better provide some evidence, the burden of proof is on you.


I did give evidence (a wiki page, but a sourced one) with information about actual statements made by Al-Qaeda saying explicitly what their motivations were for 9/11. You completely ignored it. I suspect you will do so again.

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I don't but in the absence of any evidence whatsoever that it is then we can say it isn't.


If you want to say that it is their motivation then you'd better provide some evidence, the burden of proof is on you.


I did give evidence (a wiki page, but a sourced one) with information about actual statements made by Al-Qaeda saying explicitly what their motivations were for 9/11. You completely ignored it. I suspect you will do so again.


So why do the fundies blow up and kill so many other people other than targets in the West specifically motivated because of US foreign policy?

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So why do the fundies blow up and kill so many other people other than targets in the West specifically motivated because of US foreign policy?


It depends on what you're talking about, different fundies probably have different motivations. Why don't you pick a specific example. Then spend a little time researching it and see if you can find out the motivations yourself before posting it up here and expecting me to do it for you. If you think you've found one where the only possible motivation could be 'hatred of our freedoms' or one where the explicitly stated motivation was the very same then by all means, post it, and this discussion can move on.

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It depends on what you're talking about, different fundies probably have different motivations. Why don't you pick a specific example. Then spend a little time researching it and see if you can find out the motivations yourself before posting it up here and expecting me to do it for you. If you think you've found one where the only possible motivation could be 'hatred of our freedoms' or one where the explicitly stated motivation was the very same then by all means, post it, and this discussion can move on.


Or you could save time and realise what they all have in common is a literal interpretation of islam.


Which is the root cause of the problem, not cartoons, or Israel, or bacon, or George Bush, or Swiss zoning policy, or Salman Rushdie, or Ayan Hirshi Ali, or any of the endless list of patetic excuses the squalid little terrorists have given for their actions. It's their take on islam. Once they have that literal take on it they will kill and rape and maim in their name of their fanaticism with or without a figleaf excuse.


So lets stop worrying about the excuses, and deal with the root cause. Which is fundamentalist islam.

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Jeeeesus, we are back on this again lol!


Just accept it folks, Islam will always find something to be offended about no matter what it is.

Ultimately, what on earth does this cartoonists award have to do with Islam anyway???

Apparently he 'Caused outrage due to the blasphemous cartoons' well all I can say is tough!


I have actually lent a copy of Dawkins "God delusion" from a friend and it sheds some light on the exact nature of the 'offence' and the systematic nurturing of it by two Danish Imams who had been granted sanctuary there. Apparently the old hatred was stirred up and sold to the Muslim world with a few additional falsehoods for good measure, result........... Insane reaction from Indonesian and Pakistani Muslims, Christian churches burned in Pakistan, riots in Benghazi, Danish goods boycotted, demands for apologies from the Danish government (The dam cartoons were in an independent paper and never had anything to do with the government in the first place!!) Nigerian Muslims burned down Christian churches, one Nigerian Christian was put in a tyre, doused with petrol and set alight, Demonstrators photographed in Britain bearing slogans saying.."Slay those who insult Islam, Behead those who insult Islam, Butcher those who mock Islam" As Dawkins points out...."Thankfully our political leaders were quickly on hand to remind us that Islam is a religion of peace!"


Maybe I’m over reacting here and being a bit pedantic but....I’m far more offended by the above events than by some Danish feller drawing a daft picture of some bloke from the 7th Century. Again, I come back to the immovable point I always make...Religion sets itself up for special treatment continually and believes it is beyond criticism, having fun poked at it and being rejected, I would go as far as to say religion, if it were to be given a humans character, would be that of a big mardy kid at playschool who wants all the toys for himself and gets very arsey when someone questions him...."Its MY ball and you can't play"!!!!!!

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Or you could save time and realise what they all have in common is a literal interpretation of islam.


Which is the root cause of the problem, not cartoons, or Israel, or bacon, or George Bush, or Swiss zoning policy, or Salman Rushdie, or Ayan Hirshi Ali, or any of the endless list of patetic excuses the squalid little terrorists have given for their actions. It's their take on islam. Once they have that literal take on it they will kill and rape and maim in their name of their fanaticism with or without a figleaf excuse.


So lets stop worrying about the excuses, and deal with the root cause. Which is fundamentalist islam.


Thanks Icon76, I didn't have the fortitude to carry on with it, nicely put :thumbsup:

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You just know that school is on the Taliban/Al-Quadi target list.


Well the Taliban must be pretty inept then, it's in the middle of their territory and has been for 20 years, if they were that way inclined I'm sure they could quickly overcome the 90 year that runs it.


The reality is they probably leave it alone because their own children are educated there.

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