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Ideas for challenging weekends! (Mountain biking etc)

john t

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I'm in to road cycling with a bit of moutain bikeing now and again. What i'm wanting to do is like a run m'tain bike run type of challenge done a bit of moutaineering/climbing as well.So i can map read.

Does any one have any ideas where i can go,or a magazine that that specalises in this sort of thing.!!

Or better still if any one out does this type of thing and i can tag along and see what happens.!!




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theres a few mtb mags out there to advertise in,although its prob better to go to any of the bike shops in the area and ask them,also try aproaching the uni (i imagine they have some sort of sports/fittness course people who may be interested)

personaly ive always been frightened off from racing as i used to be at the back of the bike club :P


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What's your level John? I'm thinking of introducing more challenging events into the group I run. At the moment the sports events are for the social player - badminton, ten pin bowling, golf and walking. I'm trying to kick off some regular biking events - I did a couple of hours cycling in Wharncliffe Woods on Sat - weather wasn't great and only one other person braved the rain this time :shakes:


:arrow: So if you're looking for a variety of events that don't demand super skill or super fitness check out http://www.spinac.com :wink:

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Looking to do some thing like orienteering type thing,sort of adventure weekends..i'm very fit on the road bike at mo.

But want to do something a little different on the odd weekend.

Hasn't some one called tim.r just done a weekend challenge in Rizdale in the Lake District.??



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It would be good to meet up to discuss ideas but finding time is a little difficult - the group i organise is in addition to my full time job - I'm out Wed at Badminton, Thu at The Lescar, Fri at The Forum, Sat at The Boardwalk. Sunday lunch is a possibility - or you're welcome to come along to any of the events above (details at http://www.spinac.com). It's still early days for the group and there may only be one or two people at these events - but then sometimes I'm surprised by a lot of last minute bookings.


I've met Tim once at The Devonshire Cat, so i'm not sure about his Lake District challenge.


"Very fit" eh? Maybe need to find you someone else as a road riding partner!

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The challenge I'm doing in Grizedale in the lakes is this weekend coming. Ill let you know how it goes. Its not orienteering as I originally thought just a straight off road race -though more a race against yourself than anyone else.


Its 30 miles all off road - the guy who won last year took 2hr46 which is pretty quick I think. I'll see how I do...(can't see me quite managing that). If you go to http://www.gmbc.co.uk you may still be able to enter - its on sunday.

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Timm..cheers mate,looks just like the thing i want to do.As i'm not really into moutain bikeing my bike aint exactly top of the range..It's a raleigh cost me £500 a few years back,ali frame i think.!!


Bit too late for me to enter this one,but if you have any thing else coming up,let me know.

Are you a member of a club or group of cycylist who do this sort of thing.??

OH..and good luck for this weekends race mate..looks tough.



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No not in a club but we (me n my chums) do go out a fair amount on long routes. A while ago I was looking into to getting experience leading groups as a mountain bike leader (been rather busy of late) working towards the Mountain Bike Leader Level 2- if you'd like to try out some off road stuff I'd happily show you some of the trails.


I actually took a guy out a while ago in your position - fit road rider who didn't know much about off road (I'm guessing that is your position - no offense meant if not!). He was a lot fitter than me on road, but theres more to off road riding than fitness!


As for your bike, as long as its got fatter tires, lower gears and is in general good working order you should be ok.

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