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Sheffield UFO incident, March 24 1997, we may have proof??


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You made the claim, you provide evidence.


Not any time soon Tony...like I said, if you're genuinely that interested (which I strongly suspect you ain't) then try using a little initiative and do some research/fact finding of your own.

I've tried to highlight a little ufological reality for you and off-set your sweeping comment about 'UFO chasers' but I ain't about to wipe your ass for you as well pal :)



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  • 6 months later...


It's a very good account, although personally I don't believe a word of it, but it is at least interesting.


Did you see this question raised by the author of the article?


"On the other hand why would the RAF be having a covert military low-flying operation so near to a built up city like Sheffield?"


Obviously, this "RAF expert" knows nothing about Sheffield - or the fact that it was here that they tested the bouncing bomb - on the reservoirs close to where this incident happened.

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I believe in aliens; I think you'd have to be a fool not to.


I'm sure Carl Sagan would say something like: "In the billions and billions of worlds in the billions and billions of galaxies in this endless cosmos, is it not foolish to think that life arose on only one?"


Aliens visiting us though is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Unless they've found a way to break the light barrier I find it highly doubtful.

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It's a very good account, although personally I don't believe a word of it, but it is at least interesting.


Did you see this question raised by the author of the article?


"On the other hand why would the RAF be having a covert military low-flying operation so near to a built up city like Sheffield?"


Obviously, this "RAF expert" knows nothing about Sheffield - or the fact that it was here that they tested the bouncing bomb - on the reservoirs close to where this incident happened.


When I was in the ATC many moons ago I was told that the RAF used Sheffield as a navigation target as the hills and valleys made it difficult to find, (although the Luftwaffe seemed to find it OK in 1940!)


And before they started cutting back on the RAF some years ago we were plagued by low flying aircraft, from Provost trainers to Phantoms.

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The talk in Leeds went well. if you are interested you can watch an online

power point from the link below. It does not include the information from

our two metel detector friends who initated this thread. Could either of you contact me please.


Depending on how your machine is set up to hear the audio files, double

click on the speaker symbols on the pages when seen. If it does not play

hold the control key down and double click.


There is also a companion article to the research as a pdf called "The Usual

Suspects" available as a download from the link below. Make sure you read the opening page before you double click on the power point presentation.


This is the most up to date research about the case on the WWW





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thankyou maxwell for replying back.i read the article..could not find the audio to listen to..i cant pm you just yet need to do 5 posts i think..do you have a email to contact you on your older emails dont work..if you can could you pm it me through only if you want to thankyou

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