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Sheffield UFO incident, March 24 1997, we may have proof??


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Could you give me any more information as to the location of those woods?


Ties up with a cycle ride I had in the peaks years ago and stumbled upon a firing range. Funny there were two lots of soldiers on the hill.....one higher up and one lower down and both facing out from the hill as though protecting it. They were not amused by our presence!!


Ever heard the story about the secret RAF base in the peaks underground???

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Could you give me any more information as to the location of those woods?


Ties up with a cycle ride I had in the peaks years ago and stumbled upon a firing range. Funny there were two lots of soldiers on the hill.....one higher up and one lower down and both facing out from the hill as though protecting it. They were not amused by our presence!!


Ever heard the story about the secret RAF base in the peaks underground???


Its some time ago, and i can still picture it, am hopeless with names but ok on direction. The Village that does the ice cream(poss Braithwell or such name) drive out of the village to ward Sheffield and you come to a T junction, there was a pub opp on that junction. (it may have been converted by now.) If you then turned left at that junction (away from Sheffield)for approx 2 mile, the road was a serious hill, the wooded military area was on the right.. sorry its not more informative, my view of the event was from the car park of the pub, i would have turned right out of the pub to join the same road.


As for a firing range, no it was to near the road, the wood was surrounded by small red flags on poles .


I have an open mind, but the craft was going so slow, and quiet it was noticable, it was such a clear night and early morning, no one else would have been aound in such a populated area..I was curious so followed up with the trip the next day.

Edited by TAT
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Christ alive I thought this was a discussion about the 1997 incident and some turbine blades that had been found.......


Anyway I think it would be wise for some folk to be a little more objective about this.


a) Einstein was researching problems with Newtons laws.....they are not definitive. Reading on this subject will open your eyes. After all theroetical physics wouldn't exist if this were the case.


b) UFO = "unidentified flying object". This does not mean aliens.


c) Think about gravity....it is not such a huge force to overcome. We fly airplanes for example. Look into superconductors, induction theory, maglev trains and rail guns for example. You can even make metallic objects hover with lasers.


d) If we had anti-gravity craft we WOULD NOT advertise them for security and commercial reasons. There is a lot of money tied up in the aerospace business. May be worth looking into the statements made by Martin, Lockheed et al in the 50's referring to a comparison to the manhattan project. Nothing was mentioned again.


e) If a top secret plane crashes it is almost impossible to clear up all the wreckage. You can still find small pieces of A-12 in the Nevada desert. Needless to say the predecessor to the SR-71 was pretty much top secret.


Some research into trials Nazi physicists were supposedly conducting towards the end of the war is quite an eye opener. Before anyone chimes in I am not some sort of right wing loony.....just an avid follower of advanced aeronautical science and physical concepts.


Some of the concepts above will make you think twice about some of the craft that could be in the skies being 'alien'.


I remember I was cleaning my bike in the back garden (I lived in Crookes at the time) on the night mentioned and did hear some jet aircraft and odd booms in the distance. As an avid aviation enthusiast it did make me wonder what on earth was going on.


Personally if anything I think there may be some credence in it being a new aircraft etc. The F-117, B2 etc are pretty much old hat nowadays. If you read up on the budgets and personnel numbers of Lockheed's Skunk Works, for example, these guys are pretty busy but on what???


Personally I would like to conduct my own research into the apparent flight paths and the areas of Strines where the alledged landing site was. If the gamekeeper believed his hills were on fire then that is most likely the obvious place to start searching first.


Just my 2 penneth. Don't forget nothing is black and white...it's the shades of grey in-between we need to focus on.


if someone created anti gravity and patented it -EVERYONE in the world would know about it in about 6 minutes, it would be one hell of a money spinner . 'it's not a huge force to overcome....' no, but chucking a huge object around in air without using lift is difficult to imagine/impossible to do - yes there have been extraordinary advances in the last 100 years, electronics, materials, miniaturisation etc, but planes still require wings and engines, cars engines and wheels - the anti gravity machines and flying magnetic cars presumed in the 50s haven't materialized cos physics gets in the way of a good idea.

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Sorry Frank I think you need to read up on your physics a bit more referencing what I have said above. It is not cut and dried and, no, if the military discovered a technology of great importance you would not hear about it in 6 minutes and find a patent for it. You only know about atomic weaponry because it was used and there was direct evidence.


You mention flying machines need wings etc etc. Have you ever seen a helium balloon fly away. QED.


You say cars have wheels etc. Do you know you can drastically increase MPG on a combustion engine by injecting water and playing with timing etc? Probably not as certain technologies are bought up and not put on general release as it wil cost certain companies a lot of their revenue.


I totally agree in that Joe Bloggs is never going to develop something like this in a garage, it takes a hell of a lot of money/development.


I suppose you'll say time travel is a load of old cobblers too but it only takes a little bit of research on the work done at CERN that atomic particles have been tracked that don't tie in with accepted physical concepts.


As with most technologies we still are really in the wild west era. To think we have developed all physical concepts to the max extent is really quite jaded.


Do some further research on magnetism and it's relative effects and you'll see we haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg. Mass, magnetism, time...they are all related. Magnetic spin, torsion fields.....strange effects.


To say we would have gone to the moon in the 30s/40s probably would have been greeted with exactly the same scepticism. Everyone laughed at Robert Goddard.


May be worth looking into the fact that in an absolute vacuum at absolute zero energy can still be measured. Explain that one.


Sorry you'll need a more convincing argument than that.

Edited by Sisyphus
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Sorry Frank I think you need to read up on your physics a bit more referencing what I have said above. It is not cut and dried and, no, if the military discovered a technology of great importance you would not hear about it in 6 minutes and find a patent for it. You only know about atomic weaponry because it was used and there was direct evidence.


You mention flying machines need wings etc etc. Have you ever seen a helium balloon fly away. QED.


You say cars have wheels etc. Do you know you can drastically increase MPG on a combustion engine by injecting water and playing with timing etc? Probably not as certain technologies are bought up and not put on general release as it wil cost certain companies a lot of their revenue.


I totally agree in that Joe Bloggs is never going to develop something like this in a garage, it takes a hell of a lot of money/development.


I suppose you'll say time travel is a load of old cobblers too but it only takes a little bit of research on the work done at CERN that atomic particles have been tracked that don't tie in with accepted physical concepts.


As with most technologies we still are really in the wild west era. To think we have developed all physical concepts to the max extent is really quite jaded.


Do some further research on magnetism and it's relative effects and you'll see we haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg. Mass, magnetism, time...they are all related. Magnetic spin, torsion fields.....strange effects.


To say we would have gone to the moon in the 30s/40s probably would have been greeted with exactly the same scepticism. Everyone laughed at Robert Goddard.


May be worth looking into the fact that in an absolute vacuum at absolute zero energy can still be measured. Explain that one.


Sorry you'll need a more convincing argument than that.


eh up sisyphus


firstly, a balloon isn't POWERED flight its simply a bouyant object subject to the wind, you can't develop a balloon to fly into the wind unless you apply an engine (an airship - the source of many UFO sightings) in a vacuum and without gravityyou can whizz about all over the shop with tiny forces, but to do so in our atmosphere is not possible without a new physics.


we're not talking about increasing the MPG of a petrol engine, thread is about a giant triangular object zooming and stopping and hovering and zooming off again and that requires a new set of laws of gravity and motion and aerodynamics, which sounds a bit implausible.


yes, I think time travel is the domain of star trek.


lots of things were impractical in the past and most of them didn't happen - we still drive cars, fly on planes and live in concrete houses.


measuring absolute stuff, have to admit that I don't understand the question!


to return to the thread - was there a crash near sheffied? did the military / industrial complex cover it up? were super technological anti gravity triangles involved? were they extra terrestrial?


in my simple minded opinion -


possibly, possibly, no, no.

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Sissyphus, Thanks for suggesting that some on this list may not be up to spec on what is going on in secret places using advanced technologies


A brief summary of the incident written by author on link supplied. Basically its accurate.


The Howden Moor Incident or Sheffield Incident, which took place over the Dark Peak between Manchester and Sheffield on March 24, 1997, is an alleged encounter between a UFO and Royal Air Force Tornado aircraft, scrambled from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire. Due to its controversial classified subject, little official documented evidence is freely available. Two sonic booms were heard in the incident and an aircraft is believed to have crashed.


Sequence of events

An orange light is seen moving across the sky over the Dark Peak. A local policeman from South Yorkshire Police refers to the Comet Hale-Bopp moving across the sky. A comet would not do this.

At around 19:40, a Flying triangle UFO is seen near Barnsley railway station, then again over Dronfield in north-east Derbyshire at about 22:00. Six Tornado aircraft leave RAF Coningsby at 20:45. Two sonic booms are recorded by the British Geological Survey at the University of Leeds at 21:52 and 22:06. Around the same time, RAF Tornados are seen flying low over Dronfield. The RAF later deny that they had aircraft in that area or that any sonic booms had been created. At 22:15, two farmers from Bolsterstone, west of Sheffield, contact Ecclesfield police station to ask about a possible air-crash, as they witnessed a low flying aircraft towards Midhope Moor then a flash and a plume of smoke. Gamekeepers in Strines Forest also report an explosion and an orange glow on the horizon. At 23:00, the helicopter of West Yorkshire Police is searching the moors around Bolsterstone. It is joined at 00:00 by a Sea King air-sea rescue helicopter from RAF Leconfield. Firemen from Tankersley, Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hathersage are called to the area and meet up at the Strines Inn near Strines Reservoir on the

Bradfield Moors.


In the early hours of March 25, 141 volunteers from the Peak District Mountain Rescue Organisation and Woodhead Mountain Rescue Team, with support from police officers and rescuers from the Search and Rescue Dog Association, search of the local area, establishing an HQ at Hepshaw Farm on Langsett Moor. Derbyshire Constabulary refused to take part. At 7:00, the RAF set up a Dangerous Flying Zone of ten miles (16 km) radius over the Howden Moors to allow helicopters to search the area, as airliners would be approaching Manchester Airport from this time over the Howden reservoirs in Longdendale.


After a lengthy search, from 14:00 the search operation was called off. On March 25, the Sheffield Star published a lengthy article about the incident. On March 23 1998, the subject was discussed in the House of Commons by the MP for Sheffield Hillsborough, Helen Jackson. A number of theories were expressed regarding this incident ranging from the low flying light plane being used by drug runners to a sighting of a World War Two ghost plane.




The online power point and further evidence from my investigation of the incident. The Sheffield Incident




Antigravity stuff for the technophobes








The wreckage and possible crash are not included in the on line power point.


Frank, I wasn’t having a go at you but your constant NO NO NO. Instead of checking a few advances in science, refusing to except the testimony of senior military people. All the witnesses around the world are wrong according to you. I have not got time for it. IM investigating the case I am looking for more evidence. I don’t need to get in to long and drawn out debates. You kind of agree with me that it looks like a jet crashed and was covered up. I am simply saying it did crash, and like it or not the evidence collected suggests that there was indeed a Flying Triangle craft there during the incident.


The investigation moves on and IM happy to talk about case, not aliens, star bursts, pixies, the loch ness monster or the theory of Atlantis. I only do that on a Sunday down the pub.


Enjoy the links



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Fair enough Frank....all I'm saying is don't discount what I'm saying as rubbish. There is plenty of technology out there that the general public will not be privy to for many years to come.


Sorry the balloon analogy would have best exemplified by the Montgolfier brothers.


I bet when they flew the same thing happened as it did in Woodford when the Vulcan first took to the air....."What the £$%& is that????" Cheshire ground to a halt!


I'm not trying to stray from the thread....just postulating what may or may not have been seen and perhaps the technology it uses. Many mention humming sounds which would be eminated by a large electromagnetic field generators.


Max, I've been following this case for many years with great interest and hope you keep up the good work no matter what many naysayers may say/print.


I think we should get the 'UFO Hunters' over from the states. Would make a good program whatever the outcome!

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