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Sheffield UFO incident, March 24 1997, we may have proof??


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Call me mad, but I, along with a few friends saw a small low flying UFO near Greenhill & I think it was that night. I'm not sure which direction it came from, but it hung around for a while, hovering over people's gardens, then shot off up into the sky & towards the west.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Hi Glennisused

I am currently working on a new TV show about the Sheffield and are looking for witnesses who may have seen the event. it would be most appreciated if you could get in contact to discuss this further.

My email is Liam.Royales@itv.com

Many Thanks



I was there that night - walking the dog - there was a deafening noise, a flash of blinding light and a metal object smashed into the ground at incredible speed, I was thrown to the ground and a shock wave hit me - knocked me out. When I came round, there were tall thin figures with huge eyes staggering about, one of them saw me and gestured - was it pointing me out to others? pleading for help? I was terrified, confused - passed out again.


I came to in an ambulance, there were men in black suits and sunglasses all around - other men in white full body overalls were loading body sized metal cylinders into a truck - one of the black suited men flashed a device in my eyes and I remembered nothing until last year when this thread appeared and it all came back again in terrible, hazy detail.


can I be in your telly film?

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When this incident occurred, I was very interested in using radio scanners to listen to local security guards discussing their takeaway requirements for the evening over the radio network (or 'net' if you speak the lingo).


It was a fascinating night, drinking my cans of Skol, listening to Edale Mountain Rescue and other local authorities discuss the incident and subsequent search and rescue mission over the net.

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  • 5 years later...

100% not alien craft from out of space. It is top secret NATO craft that for obvious reasons they want to keep quiet. A lot of this technology was developed with the help of surrendered Nazis after WW2 which makes it all a bit taboo as well. The military regard the "Aliens" obsession as both comical and useful.

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