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Book burning same as flag burning?

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A savage act of retribution because of their belief that America had a pro Zionist agenda and interfered in Middle Eastern affairs, their god was just incidental, just as George Bush's was when he ordered the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mean Christian missionaries?

I believe many Christians ex-communicate people who leave the flock, it's pretty much the same thing.



Well I've attended a register office ceremony where a Muslim married a non-Muslim.

...confusing Islamists with Islam?

I just prefer to see things without the interference of a dogma that disrupts rational thinking.


Christians (so-called) who are excommunicated is one of the religions a lot of people on here complain about


That will be the day. :)

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I don't require you to be non religious, nor anyone else. Perhaps if the worlds religions would stop their requirements, then it would be a much nicer place. I live in hope, but I know I'll be disappointed.


I'm not a big lover of 'religion' myself, only Christianity. :)

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How about answering the questions instead of avoiding them?


For example. the one that I and B. Friday have said - how is it any different from Christian Missionaries in Africa?


Christian missionaries go out as doctors, nurses, builders etc. That is their role and they do it out of Christian love. All they get is trouble. :mad:

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Flag burning, especially the stars and stripes, has been going on for some time because they know their weakness (being the love of their country).


And now the weakness of the Islamic world IE: the burning of the Qua ran has been highlighted, does this mean we will be seeing more book burning incidents or threats, or is there something that can be done about it ?


And if we started to see the Union Jack getting burnt in the media would we see the Qua ran getting burnt here, causing civil unrest here ?



I think its the right wing Murdock media that has made this story a lot bigger than it is.


We don't venerate our flag in the same way America does - so those wishing to protest know that it's not going to generate the same level of outrage that is felt when the Stars and Stripes are burnt.


With apologies to Kipling,


If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating...


America by and large has the not giving way to hating stuff sorted. Trouble is, it's the small minority that do hate that get on the news and stir up trouble.

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How about answering the question instead of evading? We are not talking about aid agencies here laddo.


In order to get a visa it is a legal requirement for individual missionaries (not aid agencies) to have skills that are required and they must have a job to go to.

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