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Book burning same as flag burning?

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I don't like people having acid thrown in their faces and being blinded or parents killing their children for family honour. I think you must have closed your mind to these things.


Nor do I? But what's your point? Do you know any Muslims that have done this to members of their community?


I don't like people who burn books and try to stir up hatred, but I'm not dim enough to believe it's something Christians do or advocate, the vast majority are just like everybody else, including their Muslim neighbours.

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The original question was

why burn a book in public that you hate? is it a nazi thing? or a middle east flag thing, or is it more than that?

for what its worth i would not burn any book as a protest or flag. how about you?

I note the topic has now veered into yet another religion bashing thread.


Get back on topic, stop the personal attacks or the thread will be closed and the perpetrators may face sanctions

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Burning the US Flag is the recommended method of disposal.


many municipalities have contacted USA Flag Site for what they should do with unserviceable flags. The only definitive answer is found in the US Flag Code. TITLE 4 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 8(k). It states:


"The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning"



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You seem to think I don't know what I am talking about. Put it this way if I was born into Islam and I learned the horrors that are inflicted on people from childhood upwards because they cannot memorise the Koran, I would be out of there like a shot.


I haven't looked at these videos, so I don't know what they are like but you have a look here, even clerics are leaving Islam and I am sure they have been brought up to it, and if they can do it then so can you.




I am a muslim and i havn't memorised the Quran and i havn't had any horrors inflicted on me so i suggest you stop spreading lies. :rolleyes:

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If this is about that pastor in Florida, with a following of about 30, I would say that Obama has got one over on Osama here.

No one had heard of the loony pastor until it was gradually cranked up, until it was world wide news.

Now Obama can stand there and condemn religious hatred and bigotry, and put out the hand to Islam, at the same time as slapping down a useful idiot.


On today of all days it a brilliant coup.

Offering the hand of friendship to Muslims on their holy day, and on one of our saddest, and most horrific days, caused by madmen claiming to be from their faith.

You dont get to be President of the USA without knowing how to turn a situation to your own use.

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