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What are you supposed to make of your dreams

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I had a nightmare a night or two ago. Basically I was sort of dead in a cemetery but only covered with the same layor of grass you would use to plant a lawn, one of those roll a lawn things. anyway there was a square pallet of grass roll thingys placed on a wooden trestle that was stacked quite high. As I was watching a hand fell out and I realised bodies were sandwiched between each roll of earth and grass. I decided it was a bit too lively where I was so I decided to go off to sleep with my dad (who had been dead thirty years)..but I could not move.


What on earth does this one mean? promise there was no cheese, wine or noxious substances involved. Must have been screaming cause my dog got on the bed and laid a paw over my throat for the rest of the night!


What value if any are these noctural escapades?? apart from stress and is there some dark meaning? And who else suffers?

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Basically dreams are supposed to mean the opposite. So if you dream of death it's supposed to signify birth or a new beginning. And if you dream of a dead family member it's supposed to be a good omen if you accept in your dream that they're still dead.


The other night I dreamt I was brushing my teeth & when I looked at my toothbrush there were maggots all over it!!! I woke up screaming! What's that supposed to mean?

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Its funny because I dont seem to dream at all now, but I did years ago. I wonder why this is ?:huh:

You do still dream, you just can't remember them when you wake up.


I did an experiment a while ago. I thought I only dreamt very rarely, but I left a book & pencil by the side of my bed for a few weeks and each time I woke during the night I scribbled down what I'd dreamt. When I got up in the morning I didn't look at what I'd written till much later, thinking I'd probably had one or two dreams. But I was really surprised when I did look and I had 5 or 6 dreams each night.

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quite a good site, and dreams dont always mean the opposite, supposedly. Things can have different meanings in different contexts even.


I used to have ridiculously crazy, very vivid and exhausting dreams and got to point where i dreaded dreaming. thankfully its calmed down now, possibly because i'm sleeping a little better than i used to but still have the odd random very real and slightly disturbing dream. I find if I have valerian root capsules to help me sleep i do seem to dream more though.

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they dont mean nothing, its just lots of information you pick up as you go through life, mixed with things already in there, everybody dreams, some can recall them others never can, an say they never dream, just depends on the individual.


That's the kind of scientific post that I like! A regular Aserinski :hihi::)




They might not mean anything, but your first sentence suggests that they do :);)

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